projectdoc Toolbox

Shows how to transclude transcluded content.

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5 min

The Transclusion Macro from the projectdoc Toolbox transcludes content that is marked with the Section and Content Marker Macro.

The transclusion macro in document B transcludes two sections (boxes with an 'S' in it) from document A.

If you transclude sections on a page (box with a 'T' in it), these sections are not seen by a transclusion macro of another page. So if you translude all from document B from a document C, only the sections of document B and C will be rendered in document C, not those of document A.

One solution to this problem is to place the transclusion macro inside a section. But this adjusts the section heading level, which may not be what you want. The other solution is to set the transclusion macro inside a content marker macro (box with a 'C' in it). This will transclude the content from the other page without adding one to the heading level.


More information on transclusion and the projectdoc Toolbox.

The technique to render parts of one document within another document.
Enhanced Transclusion
Transclude more than one self-contained snippet and mark transcluded information for authors. The projectdoc toolbox allows multi-transclusion from one document and even several documents.
Tools to provide or consume content to support reuse.
Excerpt and Transclusion
Explains the differences between and commonalities of the Confluence Excerpt and the projectdoc Toolbox Transclusion features.
Working with Transclusions
Compare the excerpt feature of Confluence with the transclusion feature of the projectdoc Toolbox.
Content Reuse
The projectdoc Toolbox provides a number of features to help teams to reuse content. Content can be transcluded individually or in form of a multitransclude. Authors can even transclude content from multiple documents in the wiki, effectively combining transclusion with automatic lists.