projectdoc Toolbox

Renders an example within a box.



The box highlights an example given for clarification.

The example may or may not contain source code.


The macro provides the following properties for configuration.


The title is an optional parameter.

Here is an example with title:

The title of the Example Box


An example for the reader.

Show Icon

The checkbox allows to remove the icon from the box.

The title of the Example Box

An example for the reader.


Tag the box to use for transclusion.

By default the tag example-box is added.

Since 2.3


Transclusion for boxes is supported since version 2.3.


Hint to use this box with K15t Scroll-Office

To export a page using this macro with K15t Scroll Office the Print Quirk Modes should be enabled.

Related macros

Here is a list of alternative boxes to use for your texts:

NameShort DescriptionTags
Caution Box Macro
Renders a box containing a caution message.
Deprecated Box Macro
Renders a box containing a deprecation warning for the reader.
Fault Box Macro
Renders a box containing a fault message reported by a team member for the author.
Feedback Box Macro
Renders a box containing a feedback message from a reader with write privilege.
Generic Box Macro
Generic boxes help to easily define one's own boxes to apply certain CSS styles to them.
Info Box Macro
Renders a box containing an info message.
Note Box Macro
Renders something to note by the reader.
Pending Box Macro
Renders a box containing a pending message to be handled later by the author.
Question Box Macro
Renders a box containing an open question.
References Box Macro
Renders a box with references to further information.
Tip Box Macro
Renders a box with a tip for the reader.
Version Box MacroBox