projectdoc Toolbox

Information highlighted visually in a box.



The following documents are tagged with this tag.

NameShort Description
Caution Box Macro
Renders a box containing a caution message.
Deprecated Box Macro
Renders a box containing a deprecation warning for the reader.
Example Box Macro
Renders an example within a box.
Fault Box Macro
Renders a box containing a fault message reported by a team member for the author.
Feedback Box Macro
Renders a box containing a feedback message from a reader with write privilege.
Generic Box Macro
Generic boxes help to easily define one's own boxes to apply certain CSS styles to them.
Info Box Macro
Renders a box containing an info message.
Note Box Macro
Renders something to note by the reader.
Pending Box Macro
Renders a box containing a pending message to be handled later by the author.
Question Box Macro
Renders a box containing an open question.
References Box Macro
Renders a box with references to further information.
Tip Box Macro
Renders a box with a tip for the reader.
Version Box Macro