Index spaces provide basic configuration via space properties and homepages for commonly used document types.

Documentation for

The index space is usually the first space to be created. The information architect decides which information should be stored at this central location. While each department or work unit may have its own index space, there is typically one index space that is the root for all.


Creating an index space is shown as part of the Hands-on Tutorial in Create an Index Space.

The index space show case uses the following concepts.

Space Properties in Index Space
Space properties that need to be seen by all spaces are defined in the index space.
Common generic Types
Index spaces also define generic types that are used by all doctypes.
Common type-specific Types
Index spaces define type-specific types that are commonly used throughout spaces.
Default Homepages
Document type homepages in the index space serve as automatic homepages if the current space lacks a homepage for that document type.


Index Space
Delegate space that provides space properties and organizing doctype homepages for other spaces.
Show Case Index Space
Index space for show cases.
Create an Index Space
Create an index space to learn what it is and what it is used for.
Hands-on Tutorial
Get started with the projectdoc Toolbox: learning by doing