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Besides the projectdoc Toolbox installed on your Confluence server, the Web API Extension also needs to be installed. You may use the Web API via any REST client. This tip assumes that you have installed the REST API Browser.

Note Box
titleNo API Documentation? Seriously?

I case you ask yourself: why is there no documentation for the REST API? WTF?

The REST API Browser has a bug. Therefore we need to decide whether we deploy a REST API that cannot be used via the add-on or provide a functional REST API, but without documentation.

Sounds strange? You may vote on CONFSERVER-57887 for solving this problem!

In case you need more information on this issue, please head for our blog post Problems with the Web API and the REST API Browser.

titleIdentifying Documents

The projectdoc Toolbox defines the concept of a projectdoc Document. Such a document is a Confluence Page with properties and sections.

A projectdoc Document can be identified either by its title and space or its name and doctype.

titleTitle and Space Key

By design a page on a Confluence server is uniquely identified by its title and space key.

Authors can take advantage of this when they need to reference a page. In case the title is renamed, all links are also adjusted. This way all references still hold after the rename action.

References to document with links can be made with

Such a link is considered to be a hard reference. The link is tightly connected to the page.

titleName and Doctype

The name and doctype of a document also identifies a document. But not necessarily uniquely. It is good practice – that can be naturally followed most of the time – to keep the name unique for each doctype. This is not enforced, though.

References to documents with names can be made with

Such a link is considered to be a soft reference. The macros take the specified name and doctype literally. In case the document actually exists, a reference is rendered. If the document goes away (either by deletion, by changing the privileges, or by renaming), then name, as a string literal, is not changed. This way the document having the Name List Macro with a name as its value, is still be found by this property value (e.g. by a search or by a query conducted by a Display Table Macro).

This of the name list as a couple of advantages. In case authors remove a doctype homepage, references to that homepage will automatically reference the homepage in a related space. In case authors import pages to another Confluence instance, the references will immediately render as links to existing documents. 

Note Box

When changing a name the reference my not be updated automatically.

Either if the linked page is removed, the link may still exist, or if the page is created, the link will not be rendered. This is because the cache is not updated and the renderer fetches the stale information from the cache. It is only an issue with name list macros used as document property values.

This can be fixed by refreshing the page. We are working on a solution that will automate this manual step.

titleWhen a name is wrong ...

In case authors actually need to change a name, this change cannot be by design an instant one. We are considering to include options to make the adjustment automatically in the future. Maybe by a dialog which will ask whether or not to change the names in referencing properties. This is similar to the action of deleting a page and asking whether or not the children should be removed, too.

In the meantime this is a manual step. In case there is more than a couple of pages is involved, authors should consider to use the Web API to do the job.

Caution Box
titleBackup your data!

In case the Web API changes documents the wrong way, there is no way to get back easily. You may need to find the corrupted pages and restore the last valid version from history. Therefore we recommend strongly that you check your calls on a copy of your production system. Before running a call on the production system you must make sure that you have a current backup to roll back any corruption of your data the call may have caused.

titleWalk me through!

Here is an example on how we moved the iteration of all our role documents to Production.
