Versions Compared


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The comma separated list of doctype identifiers.

Only child documents of the given doctypes are considered as match. If no doctype is specified, all doctypes are valid.


The parameter value is a constraint the documents need to match to not be filtered from the result set.

The syntax is different from those you specify in case you run a Lucene search. In queries you check the property values of the child documents.

If the property name you need to match is a alphanumeric token, you do not need to encode it (e.g. Year=2019). If it has a space, use $[...] as delimiters for the property name. For instance $[Customer Reference]. This is similar to the encoding used for Lucene queries with the Display Table Macro. You may also use ${...}  or $<...> as delimiters, but there is no reason to do so since property names should not contain special characters.

We recommend to use the square brackets ($[...]) since these are also used for Lucene queries of the property name contains a space (see Search Tips).

Values that have no spaces and are plain tokens do not need to be encoded to compare with a property property value (e.g. $[Zip Code]=45672. In case there is a space, you can use quotes as in $[Customer Reference]="123 ABC".

You may also compare the property value of the document in the result set with a property value of the document the macro is part of. Use ${...} to reference the document property by its name, for instance: $[Customer Reference]=${Default Customer Reference}

The following options are available

String Literal
  1. $[Customer Reference]="123 ABC"
  2. Reference="123 ABC"
Use string literals if the property to match with contains spaces.
  1. $[Customer Reference]=123ABC
  2. Reference=123ABC
If the value does not contain spaces, no double quotes are required.
Integer Literal
  1. $[Customer Reference]=123
  2. Reference=123
For integer numbers, no double quotes are required.
Property Reference
  1. $[Customer Reference]=${Default Customer Reference}
  2. Reference=${Default Customer Reference}
For property references, no double quotes are allowed.

You may combine your property constraints by the following Boolean operators.

&AND - both properties need to match
|OR - only one of the two properties need to match
!NOT - only true if the property does not match.

Use parentheses to group your expressions.

Example Box
titleExample Matcher Expression with !, |, and &
Code Block
!($[Property A]="Value 1" | !$[Property B] = "Value 2") & $[Property C] = "Value 3"
Version Box

Since version 6.2.5 list values are allowed on both sides of a property reference expression.

$[Customer Reference]=${Default Customer Reference}

If Customer Reference and Default Customer Reference both resolve to lists of values, then each value of each set is compared. If one tuple matches, the whole expression is resolved as a match.

Currently the projectdoc Toolbox does not support list searches lists of literals (workaround: resolve with OR connector) or comparisons with greater than or less than. Only exact matches are supported.

titleProperty Name

By default the name of the matching documents is rendered. The Property Name Parameter allows to select another property to be rendered for the link. It should be a unique property such as the Short Name or an Identifier.
