Page tree


The request has been processed successfully.

Short Name


The code is used by the following systems.

NameTypeShort Description
Get all UserscriptsResource Operation
Provides access to the list of userscripts that are currently stored in the userscripts repository.
Get UserscriptResource Operation
Provides access to a unique userscript by its namespace, name, and version.
Repository Space ConfigurationResource Operation
Adjusts permissions of the specified space to meet the criteria for an userscript repository space.
Userscripts Context ServiceResource Service
Provide access to userscript files for a given context. Even anonymous users have access to this service.
Userscripts ServiceResource Service
Provide access to a single userscript file by its coordinates. Even anonymous users have access to this service.

Related Codes

List of codes of the same type.

201 - Created
The request has been processed successfully and one or more resources have been created.
204 - No Content
The request has been processed successfully and there is not content to return in the response.
400 - Bad Request
The request of the client is not correct and therefore cannot be processed.
401 - Unauthorized
The request cannot be processed until the client has authenticated successfully. Currently the client has not sufficient privileges to have this request processed.
404 - Not Found
The requested resource could not be found.
409 - Conflict
Signals that the request cannot be processed successfully since the resource is in conflict with the provided representation
500 - Internal Error
The request cannot be processed successfully due to an error on the server side.


Response Status Codes
Definition of response status codes as part of Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content (RFC 7231)