An example of a simple type-like doctype.

Doctypes that are type-like are used to categorize other doctypes without being closely related to this type.


Consider a resource doctype that describes resources like books or videocasts. A type for this doctype would be called resource type. Values for this type would book or videocast. The document instances (book and videocast would list all resources of their type automatically.

A type-like doctype has the same function as the resource type. It creates an additional dimension and may be used by more than one doctype. One example for such a type-like doctype is experience level. Again, instances of this doctype will list all resources (or document of other types that also provide this property) associated with this particular experience level (e.g. novice or expert).


The example provides labels and texts and a list of related doctypes. Since this doctype relies on defaults, the declaration is quite short.

<?xml version='1.0'?>

      <name plural="Discoverabilities">Discoverability</name>
        The assumed chance that the security vulnerability can be exploited.
        Document the chance that a possible threat can be discovered.
    <l10n locale="de">
      <name plural="Entdeckbarkeiten">Entdeckbarkeit</name>
        Die angenommene Chance, dass die Sicherheitslücke für einen Angriff
        entdeckt werden kann.
        Dokumentieren Sie die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass eine Sicherheitslücke
        entdeckt werden kann.


The related doctypes are used to render links from the doctype's home and index page.