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Shows how to undeploy apps from the Confluence server.


We assume in this tutorial that the POM project is configured as described in Use in POM Project. This implies that the apps are configured as artifacts and there are configurations to select sets of apps and choose from configured deployment environments (Confluence servers).

Enablement Basics

For enable apps you need to select

  1. a profile specifying the Confluence server to deploy to (e.g. -PLOCAL, per convention, deployment targets are spelled in capital letters)

To check what will be run on the server, use -DdryRun to actually not execute the commands, but print them to the console.

> mvn apptools:undeploy -PLOCAL -DdryRun

You may specify default includes and excludes to select which apps to undeploy.

> mvn apptools:undeploy -PLOCAL -Dincludes=extension,core,model -Dexcludes=web-api,bookmarklets -DdryRun