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The smartics-jboss-modules-maven-plugin, a plugin for Maven, has been released with version 0.3.2 and 1.0.0.

The versions 0.x continue to support Maven 3.0.x, while versions 1.x will require Maven 3.1.x. This is due to a change in the Aether API, which moved from Apache to Eclipse.

If you encounter the following error, you should use version 1.0.0.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/sonatype/aether/RepositorySystemSession

The links above directs you to the currently released version of today. As time goes by, new versions of this software will be released. The versioned sites will still be available to provide you with the documentation for the version of the software you are actually using.

For each project there is a link that will always point to the homepage of the latest released version.

If you try to run the JBoss Modules Maven Plugin and encounter the following error message:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/sonatype/aether/RepositorySystemSession

you are probably using Maven 3.1.x.



Due to release of version 1.0.0, there are now two versions that support Maven 3.0.x and Maven 3.1.x. Please refer to our release notes for more information.

The smartics-jboss-modules-maven-plugin currently only runs with Maven 3.0.x. This is due to the fact that the Maven team moved the Aether library from org.sonatype to org.eclipse. See the release note for Maven 3.0.1: Known Incompatibilities with Maven 3.0.x (edit: which have been removed from in June 2014):

The significant change in Eclipse Aether with respect to API changes and package relocation will likely cause issues with plugins that directly depend on Aether. We are aware of the issues in the Maven Site Plugin, the Maven Dependency Plugin, the Maven Shade Plugin and the Maven Project Info Reports Plugin, and have fixed them in recent releases. But this is a significant change and is likely to cause issues in any plugin that depends on the now deprecated Sonatype Aether. In the external plugin ecosystem, it is known that Tycho, the Android Maven Plugin and the NetBeans Module Plugin are also affected: the plugin developers are aware of this issue and will release a new version of the plugin to address it.

Our smartics-jboss-modules-maven-plugin is also affected. :-(

In our release plan you can see that we plan to fix this issue. Unfortunately we have no time schedule when this will be. But it is definitely on our list before this plugin goes 1.0.0.

If you want to check out working examples on how to use the plugin, please refer to our integration tests (the link points to the tagged current release 0.3.1).

For further information on this plugin and topics around it, you may want to have an eye on the project's blog.

This is a short reminder for users of the JBoss Modules Maven Plugin to add all direct dependencies to their project dependencies.

If you use Java classes that are in the transitive closure, but not declared as dependencies directly in the project's POM, these classes will not be visible by default in the modules classpath provided by the JBoss AS 7.

You may be tempted to export those classes, but you usually should not. Simply add all direct dependencies to your POM. You may use the Maven Dependency Plugin to query direct dependencies, which are not declared:

mvn dependency:analyze
[WARNING] Used undeclared dependencies found:
[WARNING]    de.smartics.exceptions:smart-exceptions-core:jar:0.13.0-SNAPSHOT:compile
[WARNING]    de.smartics.exceptions:smart-exceptions-i18n:jar:0.13.0-SNAPSHOT:compile
[WARNING] Unused declared dependencies found:
[WARNING]    commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2.1:compile
[WARNING]    org.reflections:reflections:jar:0.9.7.RC1sm:compile
[WARNING]    org.slf4j:slf4j-nop:jar:1.6.4:test
[WARNING]    de.smartics.testdoc:testdoc-core:jar:0.4.0:test

And if you use our Alias Maven Plugin, simply type




for help:

 --- project-analysis
 a    = mvn dependency:analyze [args]
 dpu  = mvn versions:display-plugin-updates [args]
 ddu  = mvn versions:display-dependency-updates [args]