Breaking News

Tabular Report

This report lists all changes that break API or behavior in a tabular manner.

Using this report requires the use of the Breaking Tags.

Breaking News Report Example

    <!-- If issue-product is not specified, all products are considered. -->
    <!-- If issue-component is not specified, all components are considered. -->

        <title>Breaking News</title>
        <description>The following changes break API or behavior of the previous version.</description>
        <noResultsDescription>This release contains no changes that are known to break API or behavior.</noResultsDescription>


Section Report

To generate a simple, sectioned (requires the issue types and target milestone property) report containing the breaking changes, add the following report set to your POM (the only difference to the report above is the report bugzilla-section-report).


    <!-- If issue-product is not specified, all products are considered. -->
    <!-- If issue-component is not specified, all components are considered. -->

        <title>Breaking News</title>
        <description>The following changes break API or behavior of the previous version.</description>
        <noResultsDescription>This release contains no changes that are known to break API or behavior.</noResultsDescription>
