
Projects we use can be seen in the dependencies report, but we want to give extra credits for useful products we use generating reports on this project.


We use Taglets to add visual value to our documentation. Although you will find only a handful of tags currently, we intend to extend the use of this particular cool tool.

It is quite easy to integrate into the maven-javadoc-plugin by adding the following section (provided that you have added it to a MVN repository):



UmlGraph adds the UML diagrams to the Javadoc report.

Again, it is quite easy to integrate this feature into the maven-javadoc-plugin (provided that you have added it to a MVN repository):

    -inferrel -inferdep -quiet -hide java.* -collpackages java.util.* 
    -qualify -postfixpackage -nodefontsize 9 -nodefontpackagesize 7

One word of warning: If you use Taglets and UmlGraph please note that both use the tag @note. This results in a NPE if UmlGraph interprets the content intended for Taglets.