
Enumerations allow to specify a range of valid values to select a property value from.

Simple Enumerations

Primitive types may be enumerated as

  1. PropertyIntValueRange
  2. PropertyStringValueRange


The following example shows the definition of story points. A story point value may be selected from a fixed range of values.

 * A comment about what story points are.
  value = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 50, 100 },
  defaultValue = 8)
Integer storyPoint();


The following example shows the same as above, but uses String values.

 * A comment on the states as a whole.
  value = { "cold", "normal", "hot" },
  defaultValue = "normal")
String temperature();

True Enumerations

True enumerations have an advantage over simple enumerations since their individual elements can be documented.

Enumeration Type

The following example defines an enumeration type for priorities:

 * The valid priority values for user stories.
public enum Priority
  // ****************************** Enumeration *******************************

   * The story is required for the final product.
  REQUIRED("required", 1),

   * The story is very important for the final product.
  VERY_IMPORTANT("very-important", 2),

   * The story is a nice-to-have for the final product, but not relevant for the
   * release.
  NICE_TO_HAVE("nice-to-have", 3),

   * The story would add to the user experience of the user, but is not relevant
   * for the release.
  POLISHING("polishing", 4),

   * The story is not necessary to be part of the release, but may be included
   * if resources are available. If the product backlog contains only
   * dispensable stores, the development is likely to come to an end.
   * <p>
   * The priority is available to keep stories in the product backlog for
   * further references.
   * </p>
  DISPENSABLE("dispensable", 5);

  // ********************************* Fields *********************************

  // --- constants ------------------------------------------------------------

  // --- members --------------------------------------------------------------

   * The identifier of the priority. This value is used for resource lookups.
  private final String id;

   * The value of the priority.
  private final int priorityValue;

  // ****************************** Constructors ******************************

   * Default constructor.
   * @param id the identifier of the priority.
   * @param priorityValue the value of the priority.
   * @see
  private Priority(final String id, final int priorityValue)
    this.id = id;
    this.priorityValue = priorityValue;

  // ********************************* Methods ********************************

  // --- init -----------------------------------------------------------------

  // --- get&set --------------------------------------------------------------

   * Returns the identifier of the priority. This value is used for resource
   * lookups.
   * @return the identifier of the priority.
  public String getId()
    return id;

   * Returns the value of the priority.
   * @return the value of the priority.
  public int getPriorityValue()
    return priorityValue;

  public boolean isCommented()
    return true;

  // --- business -------------------------------------------------------------

  public List<Priority> getValues()
    return Arrays.asList(values());

  public static Priority fromString(final String valueAsString)
    throws IllegalArgumentException
    for (Priority priority : values())
      if (valueAsString.equals(priority.id))
        return priority;

    final String message =
        "The value '" + valueAsString
            + "' is not a valid value for priority. Valid values are: "
            + toString(Locale.ENGLISH);
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

  public static String toString(final Locale locale)
    final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(64);
    for (Priority priority : values())
      buffer.append(priority.id).append(", ");

    final int length = buffer.length();
    if (length > 0)
      buffer.setLength(length - 2);

    return buffer.toString();

  // --- object basics --------------------------------------------------------

  public String toString()
    return id;

Note that the methods

  • fromString(String) - static
  • toString(Locale) - static
  • getValues()
  • toString()

are necessary to integrate with smartics-properties. The comments may be made available by the smartics-properties-maven-plugin to the runtime or can be views in the reports.

Using Enumeration Types

Using the enumeration as a property value is quite easy:

Priority priority();

Please refer to smartics-properties-doc for further examples.