
Implementation to transfer properties to a database via JDBC.

The following examples show how to configure the smartics-properties-maven-plugin with this transfer implementation.


The following configuration generates an SQL script to run on a MySQL database:

  <version>/add current version here/</version>
        <propertySinkFactory implementation="">

      <version>/add current version here/</version>

      ... OPTIONAL: add any artifacts with property definitions here ...
      implementation="" />

Please refer to the home page of smartics-properties-config-mysql for more information on the proxy implementation.


The following configuration generates an SQL script to run on a HSQL database:

  <version>/add current version here/</version>
        <propertySinkFactory implementation="">

      <version>/add current version here/</version>

      ... OPTIONAL: add any artifacts with property definitions here ...
      implementation="" />

Please refer to the home page of smartics-properties-config-hsql for more information on the proxy implementation.