
This plugin is used to generate reports on the errors, warnings and notices issues by the Javadoc tool generating the API documentation.

Referencing additional Parameters from the javadoc-plugin

Currently there is a very basic support on using the configuration of the maven-javadoc-plugin. This basic support includes fetching the additionalparam information of a report set in the configuration of the maven-javadoc-plugin.

To specify the report set use the reportSetId (if you did not specify a report set identifier explicitly, use the default).

Please note that only those elements of additionalparam are taken into account that provide an id attribute that starts with the character sequence apidoc (e.g. apidoc, apidoc-1, or apidoc-main). This allows to dismiss those configurations that are intended for specific doclets.

<additionalparam id="apidoc">
  -tag goal:t:maven-goal
  -tag phase:t:maven-phase

Setting additional Parameters

To pass additional parameters to the Javadoc tool, use the additionalparam element within the plugin's configuration. The content found in this element is passed to the Javadoc as is.

      -tag goal:t:maven-goal
      -tag phase:t:maven-phase

Render Notice Messages

Per default notice messages are not rendered in the report. If you want to render them, add the property noticeMessagesRendered to your configuration.


Activate Logging

The log level of the plugin can be set individually by the property logLevel.


FINEST set the most verbose log level. INFO, WARNING and SEVERE are also supported. If no debug level is explicitly specified, Maven's debug level is used as default.


Since the Javadoc comments may be written in a different language than the locale used to generate the reports you may want to set the locale used in the Javadoc comments by setting the property locale.

If your site is generated in Spanish, but your Javadoc comments are in English, set the following to use English as the report's language:


Skipping Generation

The report can be configured to be skipped.


Using a different Doclet

Currently we only support the standard doclet to be run. This is sufficient to find problems in the Javadoc comments.

That said, you may specify another doclet by the property doclet, but you are currently on your own to add the required classes so that Maven finds them.