CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.3.


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de\smartics\maven\exceptions\scan\SdocCodeBuilder.java 50
de\smartics\maven\exceptions\sdoc\SdocCodeBuilder.java 50
public class SdocCodeBuilder
{ // NOPMD
  // ********************************* Fields *********************************

  // --- constants ------------------------------------------------------------

   * Reference to the logger for this class.
  private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(SdocCodeBuilder.class);

   * The URI of the XML schema instance.
   * <p>
   * The value of this constant is {@value}.
   * </p>
  private static final String XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE =

   * The URI of the code doctype.
   * <p>
   * The value of this constant is {@value}.
   * </p>
  private static final String CODE_URI =

  // --- members --------------------------------------------------------------

   * The renderer to use for processing Javadoc comments.
  private final JavadocRenderer renderer;

   * The mapping of a code instance to a bundle.
  private final BundleMapper mapper;

   * The resource bundle with labels to render.
  private final ResourceBundle bundle;

   * The empty document to write to.
  private final Document document;

   * The code representation of the runtime environement.
  private final String codeRepresentation;

   * Static information about the code to write to the document.
  private final ExceptionCodeReportItem codeContainer;

  // ****************************** Initializer *******************************

  // ****************************** Constructors ******************************

   * Default constructor.
   * @param renderer the renderer to use for processing Javadoc comments.
   * @param mapper the mapping of a code instance to a bundle.
   * @param bundle the resource bundle with labels to render.
   * @param document the empty document to write to.
   * @param codeRepresentation the code representation of the runtime
   *          environment.
   * @param codeContainer the value for codeContainer.
  SdocCodeBuilder(final JavadocRenderer renderer, final BundleMapper mapper,
      final ResourceBundle bundle, final Document document,
      final String codeRepresentation,
      final ExceptionCodeReportItem codeContainer)
    this.renderer = renderer;
    this.mapper = mapper;
    this.bundle = bundle;
    this.document = document;
    this.codeRepresentation = codeRepresentation;
    this.codeContainer = codeContainer;

  // ****************************** Inner Classes *****************************

  // ********************************* Methods ********************************

  // --- init -----------------------------------------------------------------

  // --- get&set --------------------------------------------------------------

  // --- business -------------------------------------------------------------

   * Writes the content to the document.
  public Document writeDocumentContent()
    final JavaField fieldDoc = codeContainer.getJavadoc();
    final JavaClass classDoc = codeContainer.getTypeJavadoc();

    final TagInfo tagInfo = new TagInfo(classDoc, fieldDoc);

    final Element docRoot = createDocRoot();
    createContentElement("id", codeRepresentation, docRoot);
    createContentElement("name", tagInfo.getName(), docRoot); // NOPMD
    createContentElement("type", "error", docRoot);

    final String componentId = codeContainer.getCode().getComponentId();
    createContentElement("component", componentId, docRoot);

        fieldDoc.getName(), docRoot);
    createContentElement("category", tagInfo.getCategory(), docRoot);
    createContentElement("subcategory", tagInfo.getSubcategory(), docRoot);
    createContentElement("sort-key", tagInfo.getSortKey(), docRoot);
    createContentElement("parents", "parent", tagInfo.getParents(), docRoot);
    createContentElement("tags", "tag", tagInfo.getTags(), docRoot);
    renderShortDescription(tagInfo, fieldDoc, docRoot);
    renderJavadocContent("package-description", docRoot,
    renderJavadocContent("description", docRoot, createJavadoc(fieldDoc)); // NOPMD
    createContentElement("notes", tagInfo.getNotes(), docRoot);


    return document;

  private void renderShortDescription(final TagInfo tagInfo,
      final JavaField fieldDoc, final Element docRoot) throws DOMException
    String text = tagInfo.getShortDescription();
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(text))
      final String comment = fieldDoc.getComment();
      if (comment != null)
        final int index = comment.indexOf('.'); // FIXME: Too crude, dot my be
                                                // escaped.
        final String firstSentence = comment.substring(0, index);
        text = firstSentence;

    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(text))
      renderJavadocContent("short-description", docRoot, text);

  private void createImplementationElement(final String implementingClassName,
      final String implementingFieldName, final Element docRoot)
    final Element implementation = document.createElement("implementation");
    createContentElement("class", implementingClassName, implementation);
    createContentElement("field", implementingFieldName, implementation);

  private void createContentElement(final String groupGi, final String gi,
      final List<String> contents, final Element docRoot)
    if (!contents.isEmpty())
      final Element group = document.createElement(groupGi);
      for (final String content : contents)
        createContentElement(gi, content, group);

  private void renderJavadocContent(final String gi,
      final Element parentElement, final String content) throws DOMException
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(content))
      final Element element = document.createElement(gi);
      // TODO: Is there a way to write non-validating???
      final DomCopyReader copy = new DomCopyReader(document, element);
      catch (final XMLStreamException e)
        if (LOG.isWarnEnabled())
          LOG.warn("Cannot parse Javdoc content as XML. Using it verbatim: "
                   + content);
        createContentElement("description", content, parentElement);

  private Element createContentElement(final String gi, final String content,
      final Element parent)
    if (content != null)
      final Element element = document.createElement(gi);
      final Text text = document.createTextNode(content);
      return element;
    return null;

  private String createJavadoc(final JavaAnnotatedElement doc)
    final String javadoc = this.renderer.render(doc);
    return StringUtils.isNotBlank(javadoc) ? javadoc : "&#160;";

  private Element createDocRoot() throws DOMException
    final Element docRoot = document.createElement("appcode");
    docRoot.setAttribute("xmlns:xsi", XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE);
    docRoot.setAttribute("xmlns", CODE_URI);
    docRoot.setAttribute("xsi:schemaLocation", CODE_URI + ' ' + CODE_URI);
    return docRoot;

  private void renderMessages(final Element parent)
    if (mapper != null)
      final Code code = codeContainer.getCode();
      final Class<?> codeClass = code.getClass();
        final ResourceBundle messageBundle =
            mapper.getBundle(codeClass, this.bundle.getLocale());
        if (messageBundle != null)
          addMessages(parent, codeContainer, messageBundle);
      catch (final MissingResourceException e)
        if (LOG.isWarnEnabled())
          LOG.warn("Cannot load resource bundle for code class '" + codeClass
                   + "'.", e);

  private void addMessages(final Element parent,
      final ExceptionCodeReportItem codeContainer, final ResourceBundle bundle)
    throws DOMException
    final Element messages = document.createElement("messages");
    addMessages(codeContainer, bundle, messages);
    if (messages.hasChildNodes())

  private void addMessages(final ExceptionCodeReportItem codeContainer,
      final ResourceBundle bundle, final Element messages) throws DOMException
    for (MessageType type : MessageType.values())
      final String keyPrefix = codeContainer.getCode().getCode();
      final String key = type.createKey(keyPrefix);
      addText(codeContainer, bundle, messages, type, key);

  private void addText(final ExceptionCodeReportItem codeContainer,
      final ResourceBundle bundle, final Element messages,
      final MessageType messageType, final String key) throws DOMException
      final String text = bundle.getString(key);
      if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(text))
        final String typeId = getTypeId(messageType);
        final Element message = document.createElement("message");
        createContentElement("name", renderTypeId(typeId), message);
        final Element textElement = createContentElement("text", text, message);
        final Map<String, String> placeHolderMap =
            addPlaceHolders(messageType, codeContainer, message, bundle, text);
        if (!placeHolderMap.isEmpty())
          replaceText(placeHolderMap, textElement);
    catch (final MissingResourceException e)
      // ok, skip

  private String renderTypeId(final String typeId)
      final String message = bundle.getString("label." + typeId);
      return message;
    catch (final Exception e)
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
        LOG.debug("No translation for '" + typeId
                  + "' found in resource bundle.");
      return typeId;

  private void replaceText(final Map<String, String> placeHolderMap,
      final Element textElement)
    final Text textNode = (Text) textElement.getFirstChild();
    String text = textNode.getTextContent();
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : placeHolderMap.entrySet())
      final String key = entry.getKey();
      final String value = '{' + entry.getValue() + '}';
      text = StringUtils.replace(text, key, value);
    text = StringUtils.replace(text, "''", "'");

  private Map<String, String> addPlaceHolders(final MessageType messageType,
      final ExceptionCodeReportItem codeContainer, final Element parent,
      final ResourceBundle bundle, final String messageText)
    throws DOMException
    final Element placeholders = document.createElement("placeholders");
    final Map<String, String> placeHolderMap =
        addPlaceholder(messageType, codeContainer.getPlaceHolderInfo(), bundle,
            placeholders, messageText);
    if (placeholders.hasChildNodes())
    return placeHolderMap;

  private Map<String, String> addPlaceholder(final MessageType messageType,
      final PlaceHolderInfo placeHolderInfo, final ResourceBundle bundle,
      final Element placeholders, final String messageText)
    final Map<String, String> placeHolderMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

    for (PlaceHolderDesc desc : placeHolderInfo
      final Element placeholder = document.createElement("placeholder");
      final int index = desc.getPlaceHolderIndex();
      final String placeHolderString = '{' + String.valueOf(index) + '}';
      if (messageText.contains(placeHolderString))
        final String path = desc.getOgnlPath();
        final String name =
                + (path != null ? ':' + desc.getOgnlPath() : "");
        final String description = desc.getDescription();

        createContentElement("name", name, placeholder);
        createContentElement("description", description, placeholder);

        placeHolderMap.put(placeHolderString, name);

    return placeHolderMap;

  private String getTypeId(final MessageType type)
    final String id = type.getMessageKeySuffix();
    if (StringUtils.EMPTY.equals(id))
      return "summary";
      return id.substring(1);

  // --- object basics --------------------------------------------------------
File Line
de\smartics\maven\exceptions\scan\TagInfo.java 31
de\smartics\maven\exceptions\sdoc\TagInfo.java 31
class TagInfo
  // ********************************* Fields *********************************

  // --- constants ------------------------------------------------------------

  // --- members --------------------------------------------------------------

   * The information extracted from the all level Javadoc tag
   * <code>sdoc.category</code>.
  private final String category;

   * The information extracted from the all level Javadoc tag
   * <code>sdoc.subcategory</code>.
  private final String subcategory;

   * The information extracted from the all level Javadoc tag
   * <code>sdoc.tag</code> that may appear multiple times.
  private final List<String> tags = new ArrayList<String>();

   * The information extracted from the all level Javadoc tag
   * <code>sdoc.parent</code> that may appear multiple times.
  private final List<String> parents = new ArrayList<String>();

   * The information extracted from the field level Javadoc tag
   * <code>sdoc.name</code>.
  private final String name;

   * The information extracted from the field level Javadoc tag
   * <code>sdoc.sort-key</code>.
  private final String sortKey;

   * The information extracted from the field level Javadoc tag
   * <code>sdoc.short-description</code>.
  private final String shortDescription;

   * The information extracted from the field level Javadoc tag
   * <code>sdoc.notes</code>.
  private final String notes;

  // ****************************** Initializer *******************************

  // ****************************** Constructors ******************************

   * Default constructor.
  public TagInfo(final JavaClass classDoc, final JavaField fieldDoc)
    this.category = extractSingleValue(classDoc, fieldDoc, "sdoc.category");
    this.subcategory =
        extractSingleValue(classDoc, fieldDoc, "sdoc.subcategory");
    extractMultiValue(classDoc, "sdoc.tag", tags);
    extractMultiValue(fieldDoc, "sdoc.tag", tags);
    extractMultiValue(classDoc, "sdoc.parent", parents);
    extractMultiValue(fieldDoc, "sdoc.parent", parents);

    this.name = extractSingleValue(fieldDoc, "sdoc.name");
    this.sortKey = extractSingleValue(fieldDoc, "sdoc.sort-key");
    this.shortDescription =
        extractSingleValue(fieldDoc, "sdoc.short-description");
    this.notes = extractSingleValue(fieldDoc, "sdoc.notes");

  // ****************************** Inner Classes *****************************

  // ********************************* Methods ********************************

  // --- init -----------------------------------------------------------------

  private String extractSingleValue(final JavaAnnotatedElement doc1,
      final JavaAnnotatedElement doc2, final String name)
    String value = extractSingleValue(doc2, name);
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(value))
      value = extractSingleValue(doc1, name);
    return value;

  private String extractSingleValue(final JavaAnnotatedElement doc,
      final String name)
    final List<DocletTag> tags = doc.getTagsByName(name);
    if (!tags.isEmpty())
      final String text = tags.get(0).getValue();
      if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(text))
        return text;
    return null;

  private void extractMultiValue(final JavaAnnotatedElement doc,
      final String name, final List<String> list)
    final List<DocletTag> tags = doc.getTagsByName(name);
    for (final DocletTag tag : tags)
      final String text = tag.getValue();
      if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(text))

  // --- get&set --------------------------------------------------------------

   * Returns the information extracted from the type level Javadoc tag
   * <code>sdoc.category</code>.
   * @return the information extracted from the type level Javadoc tag
   *         <code>sdoc</code>.
  public String getCategory()
    return category;

   * Returns the information extracted from the type level Javadoc tag
   * <code>sdoc.subcategory</code>.
   * @return the information extracted from the type level Javadoc tag
   *         <code>sdoc</code>.
  public String getSubcategory()
    return subcategory;

   * Returns the information extracted from the all level Javadoc tag
   * <code>sdoc.tag</code> that may appear multiple times.
   * @return the information extracted from the all level Javadoc tag
   *         <code>sdoc</code>.
  public List<String> getTags()
    return tags;

   * Returns the information extracted from the all level Javadoc tag
   * <code>sdoc.parent</code> that may appear multiple times.
   * @return the information extracted from the all level Javadoc tag
   *         <code>sdoc</code>.
  public List<String> getParents()
    return parents;

   * Returns the information extracted from the field level Javadoc tag
   * <code>sdoc.name</code>.
   * @return the information extracted from the field level Javadoc tag
   *         <code>sdoc</code>.
  public String getName()
    return name;

   * Returns the information extracted from the field level Javadoc tag
   * <code>sdoc.sort-key</code>.
   * @return the information extracted from the field level Javadoc tag
   *         <code>sdoc</code>.
  public String getSortKey()
    return sortKey;

   * Returns the information extracted from the field level Javadoc tag
   * <code>sdoc.short-description</code>.
   * @return the information extracted from the field level Javadoc tag
   *         <code>sdoc</code>.
  public String getShortDescription()
    return shortDescription;

   * Returns the information extracted from the field level Javadoc tag
   * <code>sdoc.notes</code>.
   * @return the information extracted from the field level Javadoc tag
   *         <code>sdoc</code>.
  public String getNotes()
    return notes;

  // --- business -------------------------------------------------------------

  // --- object basics --------------------------------------------------------

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de\smartics\maven\exceptions\scan\SdocCodeReportGenerator.java 47
de\smartics\maven\exceptions\sdoc\SdocCodeReportGenerator.java 47
public class SdocCodeReportGenerator extends AbstractReportGenerator<File>

  // ********************************* Fields *********************************

  // --- constants ------------------------------------------------------------

   * Reference to the logger for this class.
  private static final Log LOG = LogFactory

  // --- members --------------------------------------------------------------

   * The builder for XML documents.
  private final DocumentBuilder builder;

  // ****************************** Initializer *******************************

  // ****************************** Constructors ******************************

   * Default constructor.
   * @param renderer the renderer used to map Javadoc comments to the report's
   *          output format.
   * @throws ParserConfigurationException if creating XML infrstructure fails.
  public SdocCodeReportGenerator() throws ParserConfigurationException
    super(new JavadocRenderer(new HtmlRendererFactory()));

    final DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();

  // ****************************** Inner Classes *****************************

  // ********************************* Methods ********************************

  // --- init -----------------------------------------------------------------

  // --- get&set --------------------------------------------------------------

  // --- business -------------------------------------------------------------

  protected void writeContent(final File output,
      final ProjectConfiguration<File> config,
      final StoredExceptionCodesReport reportData) throws Exception
    final List<ExceptionCodeReportItem> items = reportData.getItems();
    for (final ExceptionCodeReportItem codeContainer : items)
      writeReportToFile(output, config, codeContainer);

  private void writeReportToFile(final File output,
      final ProjectConfiguration<File> config,
      final ExceptionCodeReportItem codeContainer)
    throws MojoExecutionException, FileNotFoundException, Exception
    final File file = createFile(output, codeContainer);

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
      LOG.debug("Creating report file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "'.");
    OutputStream out = null;
      out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
      writeReportElementInfo(out, config, codeContainer);

  private static File createFile(final File baseDir,
      final ExceptionCodeReportItem codeContainer)
    throws MojoExecutionException
    final Code code = codeContainer.getCode();
    final String pathName =
    final String fileName =
        MojoIoUtils.normalizeFileName(code.getCode()) + ".xml";
    final File dir = new File(baseDir, pathName);
    final File file = new File(dir, fileName);
    return file;

  protected void writeReportElementInfo(final OutputStream reportOut,
      final ProjectConfiguration<File> config,
      final ExceptionCodeReportItem codeContainer) throws Exception
    final Code codeInstance = codeContainer.getCode();
    final String codeRepresentation = String.valueOf(codeInstance);

    final Document document = createDocument();
    final SdocCodeBuilder builder =
        new SdocCodeBuilder(this.renderer, config.getBundleMapper(),
            config.getBundle(), document, codeRepresentation, codeContainer);
    MojoIoUtils.serialize(document, reportOut);

  private Document createDocument()
    final Document document = builder.newDocument();
    return document;

  // --- object basics --------------------------------------------------------

File Line
de\smartics\maven\exceptions\report\CodeSortedSinkReportGenerator.java 71
de\smartics\maven\exceptions\report\ComponentCodeSortedSinkReportGenerator.java 72
    Collections.sort(items, new MixedCodeComparator());
    return items;

  protected String getCurrentSelection(final ExceptionCodeReportItem item)
    final Code code = item.getCode();

    if (code instanceof NumberCode)
      final NumberCode numberCode = (NumberCode) code;
      final String codeMajorNumber =
      return codeMajorNumber;

    return code.getComponentId();

  protected boolean hasSectionChanged(String currentSection,
      final ExceptionCodeReportItem item)
    final Code code = item.getCode();

    boolean headerChanged;
    if (code instanceof NumberCode)
      final NumberCode numberCode = (NumberCode) code;
      final String codeMajorNumber =
      headerChanged = !ObjectUtils.equals(currentSection, codeMajorNumber);
      final String componentId = code.getComponentId();
      headerChanged = !ObjectUtils.equals(currentSection, componentId);

    return headerChanged;

  protected String getCodeTitle(final String headLine,
      final ExceptionCodeReportItem item)
    final String title;
    if (headLine != null)
      title = headLine;
      final String code = item.getCode().getCode();
File Line
de\smartics\maven\exceptions\conf\DefaultJavadocProjectConfiguration.java 177
de\smartics\maven\exceptions\conf\DefaultProjectConfiguration.java 287
    public Builder(final String projectName)
      this.projectName = projectName;

    // ***************************** Inner Classes ****************************

    // ******************************** Methods *******************************

    // --- init ---------------------------------------------------------------

    // --- get&set ------------------------------------------------------------

     * Sets the classpath used by the tool.
     * @param toolClassPath the classpath used by the tool.
    public void setToolClassPath(final List<String> toolClassPath)
      this.toolClassPath = toolClassPath;

     * Sets the list of class path root elements of this project.
     * @param classRootDirectoryNames the list of class path root elements of
     *          this project.
    public void setClassRootDirectoryNames(
        final Collection<String> classRootDirectoryNames)
      this.classRootDirectoryNames = classRootDirectoryNames;

     * Sets the list of source path root elements of this project.
     * @param sourceRootDirectoryNames the list of source path root elements of
     *          this project.
    public void setSourceRootDirectoryNames(
        final Collection<String> sourceRootDirectoryNames)
      this.sourceRootDirectoryNames = sourceRootDirectoryNames;

     * Sets the includes for the scanner.
     * @param includes the includes for the scanner.
    public void setIncludes(final List<String> includes)
      this.includes = includes;

     * Sets the excludes for the scanner.
     * @param excludes the excludes for the scanner.
    public void setExcludes(final List<String> excludes)
      this.excludes = excludes;

     * Sets the encoding of the source files in this project.
     * @param sourceEncoding the encoding of the source files in this project.
    public void setSourceEncoding(final String sourceEncoding)
      this.sourceEncoding = sourceEncoding;

     * Sets the encoding of the source files in this project. Defaults to
     * <code>1.5</code>.
     * @param sourceVersion the encoding of the source files in this project.
    public void setSourceVersion(final String sourceVersion)
      this.sourceVersion = sourceVersion;

    // --- business -----------------------------------------------------------

     * Creates the project configuration.
     * @return the project configuration.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any property is not valid.
    public JavadocProjectConfiguration build() throws IllegalArgumentException
File Line
de\smartics\maven\exceptions\AbstractSdocCodeMojo.java 366
de\smartics\maven\exceptions\ExceptionCodeReport.java 242
      final Locale locale, final File outputDir)
    throws DependencyResolutionRequiredException
    final List<String> classRootDirectoryNames =

    final List<String> sourceRootDirectoryNames = new ArrayList<String>();
        this.additionalSources, ","));
    final List<String> toolClassPath = PathUtils.toClassPath(pluginArtifacts);

    final Log log = getLog();
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
      log.debug("Tool class path: " + toolClassPath);
      log.debug("Class roots    : " + classRootDirectoryNames);
      log.debug("Source roots   : " + sourceRootDirectoryNames);

    final DefaultProjectConfiguration.Builder<File> builder =