
What is this project all about?
With smart-exceptions the developers code and comment exception codes. This project runs through the class and source tree and collects the codes and descriptions.


Is there an example report available?
Yes, we provide screenshots on the examples page.


What are the system requirements of this plugin?
We require Java 6 or above. The plugin is tested with Maven 3. We do not test if it runs with older versions.


What is the difference between smart-exceptions and smartics-exceptions?
smartics-exceptions is the new version of smart-exceptions. We simply changed the artifact ID from version 0.6.2 to 0.7.0 (besides other changes).



How may I reference the Javadoc report aggregated in the parent project.
A little wired, but supposing that the apidocs are in the parent directory, you specify the reference from the exception report to that directory like this:




I want to alter the content of the Maven report output. How can I do that?
Provide a subclass of AbstractSinkReportGenerator class.

You may want to consider the implementation of PackageSortedSinkReportGenerator and CodeSortedSinkReportGenerator as examples.

The register your report in the maven-exceptioncodes-plugin configuration like this:

Please refere to Using the Report and Plugin documentation (especially Mojo exceptioncodes:exception-codes-report) for further information about configuration of the plugin.


I want to alter the output, but I am not using Maven. What should I do?
There is a project that provides some code stubs to implement reporting without references to Maven. Please refer to the documentation of the project smart-exceptions-report for details.
