
Basic Configuration

Provide login information in your settings.xml:


Provide an issueManagement in your pom.xml:


Note: The login information is selected by the issue management server's name or by its URL (in that order). The server may also be specified explicitly in the plugin's configuration (making this name the default server configuration to look for).

Note: Setting up a project and adding versions after releases is explained in the Best Practices document.

Create a Product

To add a new product in the issue management system from the projects data, run:

mvn de.smartics.maven.plugin:bugzilla-maven-plugin:0.5.3:addProduct

Or add the following configuration to your POM:


With this configuration you may add a new product to a bugzilla server without any arguments (short version):

mvn bugzilla:addProduct

Add a new Version

To add a new version, e.g. 1.1.0, use:

mvn bugzilla:addVersion -DnewVersion=1.1.0

You may also use the following keywords to set the version dependent on the projects current version.

mvn bugzilla:addVersion -DnewVersion=CURRENT
Value Description Example
MAJOR Increments the current version of the project to the next major number. 1.2.3 -> 2.0.0
MINOR Increments the current version of the project to the next minor number. 1.2.3 -> 1.3.0
MICRO (Default) Increments the current version of the project to the next micro number. 1.2.3 -> 1.2.4
CURRENT Add the current version of the project as a non-SNAPSHOT version. 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT -> 1.2.3
SNAPSHOT Add the current version of the project even if it is a SNAPHOT version. 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT -> 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT

Add a new Milestone

To add a new milestone, e.g. 1.1.0, use:

mvn bugzilla:addMilestone -DnewMilestone=1.1.0

You may also use the keywords explained at Add new Version.

Update a Product

To update an existing product with project information

  1. name - use -DoldProduct to specify the old name
  2. description
  3. default milestone - uses current version without SNAPSHOT, also adds that project version as product version and milestone
  4. adds new components


mvn bugzilla:updateProduct

Using Help


mvn bugzilla:help

prints an overview over all goals (mojos) of this plugin to the console. It also shows common usages as shown on the Best Practices.

For a complete list of detailed information on all goals (mojos),

mvn bugzilla:help -Ddetail

For detailed information on a single goal (mojo) only:

mvn bugzilla:help -Dgoal=GOAL