A short overview on how to use this plugin with Maven. This will get new users started quickly.


This plugin generates diagrams from your Enterprise Architect's model from your Maven build process.

There are basically to kinds of exports from your Enterprise Architect model provided by this plugin:

  1. Export XMI Packages as Image Files
  2. Export HTML Site

Both exports are configured in your Maven POM.

Business System Context


The plugin, as part of the build process, exports the diagrams of your Enterprise Architect Model as images to a server, the Documentation Site.

The Build Manager is responsible for the configuration of the build process, while the Documentation Architect decides which exports should be employed.

System Overview

Since the release cycles of your product and documentation may differ, the artifacts are usually contained in two different projects.

The Maven Plugin will create images for the diagrams based on the Documentation Project and deploy them on the Documentation Site. The Product Project may also generate reports from the source code and export them by the use of other plugins (e.g. buildmetadata-maven-plugin) to their own site. The main artifacts of the Product Project is deployed on the artifact server as usual. You may also add the documentation artifacts to the artifact server, but this is not shown in the diagram.

The Confluence Wiki will then reference the generated artifacts and is therefore the main entry point to the documentation.

Subordinate Topics

Export HTML Site
This export creates an HTML site from the Enterprise Architect model stored in an EAP file. This is the same report that can also be created using the Enterprise Architect's GUI. But the plugin allows to integrate the generation process into the project's build process.
Export XMI Packages as Image Files
This export allows to create single images of your Enterprise Architect packages (i.e. diagrams) with their GUID as file name. Since the GUID of the diagram does not change, this is a perfect way to export your diagrams to be referenced from your documentation.