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  1. Free Doctype Add-ons for projectdoc on Bitbucket

    projectdoc_dark_72.pngToday we released the source for our free doctype add-ons for projectdoc on Bitbucket! bitbucket_atlassian.png Now you may fork these projects and adapt them according to your team’s requirements more easily. This is an alternative
    Blog17. Jun 2016
  2. The Opening

    smartics-logo-47.pngHello everyone! We start to blog and are eager to learn more about it. The reason for us to start writing is that we want to share our ideas with other software developers on the internet. We hope that through this form of communication, we also have the opportunity to rethink about our view points
    Blog31. May 2015
  3. projectdoc to create Maven Plugin Sites

    projectdoc_dark_72.pngWe decided to move our software documentation from the XDoc format to projectdoc on Confluence This allows us to u
    Blog17. Jun 2016
  4. Tip on Sections

    PDAC1Today we added a new tip on Section in Action with the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence This is the feature list for sections of the projectdoc Toolbox: Render only with Content Render dependent on ... Drag-and-Drop Transclusion Delegate Document Search R
    Blog28. Apr 2016
  5. config-smartics-alias 1.0.7 released!

    config-128x128.pngThe configuration config-smartics-alias for the alias-maven-plugin has been released with version 1.0.7. This micro release fixes a problem with an update to windows systems that made them resistant to changes of environmen
    Blog31. May 2015
  6. testdoc-tools 0.4.1 has been released!

    icon-128x128.pngThe testdoc-tools have been released with version 0.4.1. This release cleans-up two dependencies. The first clean-up is that of smartics-commons. The old version had some test dependencies on the compile classpath. This has been fixed
    Blog30. May 2015
  7. Appealing API Documentation with UMLGraph

    documentation-a-ware-small.pngThere are a couple of tools that allow to produce appealing API documentation with Javadoc UMLGraph is one of them. Using UMLGraph The Doclet http://docs.
    Blog31. May 2015
  8. hibernate4-maven-plugin 0.2.0 released!

    icon-128x128.pngThe Maven plugin Hibernate 4 Maven Plugin has been released with version 0.2.0. Thanks to the contribution of Jean Dannemann Carone the plugin provides a new feature to configure a naming strategy for Hibernate
    Blog31. May 2015
  9. Red Hat released Version 1.5.0 of their buildmetadata-plugin Fork!

    BMMPWe are happy to hear and to share that Red Hat has released version 1.5.0 of their fork of the Buildmetata Maven Plugin! Congratulations
    Blog24. Sep 2015
  10. Release of Project Documentation Macros with Version 1.0.2

    CONFMACToday we uploaded the latest version of the Project Documentation Macros for Confluence to the Atlassian Marketplace This release, version 1.0.2, updates the compatibility range. Now we support the latest version of Confluence: 5.
    Blog30. May 2015