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  1. alias-maven-plugin 0.3.3 released!

    icon-128x128.pngThe Maven plugin Alias Maven Plugin has been released with version 0.3.3. The improvement escapes the environment variables on windows boxes so that they are no longer expanded on the help page. j7 = set JAVA_HOME="D:\java\edition\jdk1.7.0" ;; set PATH=D:\java\edition\jdk1.7.0
    Blog31. May 2015
  2. On Technical Debt

    productivity_a_ware.png There are two, in my point of view, fundamentally different definitions of Technical Debt available. Implementing a new feature although the problem is not completely understood. Writing poor code to meet a deadline. Two Definitions of Technical Debt Ward Cunningham Ward Cunningham http:
    Blog17. Jun 2016
  3. softlink-tool 0.5.2 released!

    softlink-128x128.pngThe smartics Softlink Tool has been released with version 0.5.2. This tool is launched as a service on a server with project release sites. It monitors the specified folders and adds links to the latest final and snapshot releases from the server's root directory. There is an example on the project
    Blog31. May 2015
  4. Project home page URL with version

    productivity_a_ware.pngThe smartics Softlink Tool allows to automatically create links to projects on the filesystem of the project site server. This makes it easy to create URLs to projects that are easy to remember. The name of the project, i.e. the artifact ID in Maven lingo, is used as a lin
    Blog17. Jun 2016
  5. smartics-jboss-modules-maven-plugin 0.1.0 released!

    SJBMMPThe smartics JBoss Modules Maven Plugin, a plugin for Maven, has been released with version 0.1.0. This project allows to create a JBoss modules folder for JBoss 7 from dependencies specified within a Maven PO
    Blog30. May 2015
  6. bugzilla-maven-plugin 0.5.3 released!

    icon-128x128.pngThe Maven plugin bugzilla-maven-plugin has been released with version 0.5.3. This is a bugfix release due to Bug 597 that prevents Maven plugin and archtetype projects from syncing with a Nexus server for the latest version nu
    Blog31. May 2015
  7. smartics-exceptions 0.12.1 released!

    smartics-exceptions-128x128.pngThe library smartics exception for Java has been released with version 0.12.1. This is a bugfix release that fixes a problem in the ognl library by updating from version 2.7.1 to 2.7.3. The library in the previous version had problems ana
    Blog31. May 2015
  8. Artifacts on Maven Central

    maven-logo-black-on-white.pngTwo of our open source plugins for Maven are available on Maven Central! This will make it much easier for users to access these plugins without further configuration to include our artifact repository into the delivery process. centralRep
    Blog17. Sep 2015
  9. Ad-hoc Configurations

    icon-128x128.pngAs developers we do not want to hard code values in our source code. int iterations = 42; Static analyzers, like Checkstyle tell us that we should not use magic numbers '42' is a magic number. And definin
    Blog31. May 2015
  10. Integration for Piwik in Confluence

    piwikToday the smartics Integration for Piwiki has been released as an add-on for Confluence! The add-on is available on the Atlassian Marketplace for free Piwik is the leading open-source analytics platform that
    Blog14. Oct 2015