Breaking News

The following changes break API or behavior of the previous version.

Version 0.11.0


Bugs fixed in release version 0.11.0.

# Summary
729 Make Methods in AbstractLocalizedException final

Version 0.10.0

New Features

New features implemented in release version 0.10.0.

# Summary
712 Use Names instead of Index Numbers for Place Holders

Change Requests

Change requests implemented in release version 0.10.0.

# Summary
721 Remove Message Type Selectors


Improvements made in release version 0.10.0.

# Summary
652 ParentMessageParams should be inherited

Version 0.9.0

New Features

New features implemented in release version 0.9.0.

# Summary
696 Provide means to easily access Messages from the Cause
698 Provide access to Exceptions for Message Beans


Improvements made in release version 0.9.0.

# Summary
695 Make Exception Methods final

Version 0.8.0

Change Requests

Change requests implemented in release version 0.8.0.

# Summary
670 MessageParam Annotation should support Field and Method

Version 0.3.7


Bugs fixed in release version 0.3.7.

# Summary
248 Fetching resource bundles fails
generated by issues-maven-plugin