Testdoc XML

An Example Document

The following is an example document that follows the testdoc XSD:

<testdoc xmlns="http://www.smartics.de/project/process/implementation/testdoc"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.smartics.de/project/process/implementation/testdoc http://www.smartics.de/project/process/implementation/testdoc">
      <sentence>Contains no empty elements.</sentence>
      <sentence>Rejects empty elements.</sentence>
      <sentence>To string throws no exceptions.</sentence>

The testdoc XSD

The schema documentation that specifies the structure of a testdoc XML document.

<xsd:schema xmlns:tns="http://www.smartics.de/project/process/implementation/testdoc" targetNamespace="http://www.smartics.de/project/process/implementation/testdoc" elementFormDefault="qualified">

  <xsd:element name="testdoc">
          <xsd:element name="uut" type="xsd:string">
                The fully qualified name of the class being
                This is the unit under test (UUT).
          <xsd:element name="scenarios" minOccurs="0">
                The scenarios that test the UUT.
              <xsd:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xsd:element name="scenario" type="tns:scenario-type">

  <xsd:complexType name="scenario-type">
        A single scenario that tests the UUT.
      <xsd:element name="testCase" type="xsd:string">
            The fully qualified name of the test class that
            contains the testing code.
      <xsd:element name="testName" type="xsd:string">
            The name of the test method within the test case.
      <xsd:element name="sentence" type="xsd:string">
            The test name expanded into a sentence to be easily
            read by humans.
      <xsd:element name="categories" type="tns:category-type" minOccurs="0">
            The categories of the scenario.

  <xsd:complexType name="category-type">
        A single category information.
      <xsd:element name="category" type="xsd:string">
            The name of the category.