Tabular Report

This report runs out-of-the-box without any configuration on the side of the issue management system.

The Tabular Report Example shows the issues rendered in one table with one issue in one line, its properties as columns.

The report screenshot shown is generated by adding the following to your report plugins:



    <!-- If issue-product is not specified, all products are considered. -->
    <!-- If issue-component is not specified, all components are considered. -->

In the given example the properties bugzillaUser and bugzillaPassword provide the credentials to log into the issues system.

The properties issues-component and issues-product specify on which component of which product the report is requested.

The property renderEmailAdresses renders eMail addresses as clickable links. Useful for intranet sites. For internet sites this may better be left to the default value (false).

Please refer to issues:bugzilla-issues-report on details how to configure the query and select the columns to be shown.