User Requirements

You may have encountered the following requirements for your exception handling. This project provides a ready-to-use implementation for them.

Your Requirement Implemented by ...
We require a certain structure in our exception codes and want to have a report generated for them by our build system, so that developers find documentation for the error codes more easily. Exception Code
We require reports generated from the codes defined in our code by our build system, so that developers or other stakeholders find documentation for the error codes more easily and in one place. exceptioncodes-maven-plugin
Screenshot of example report
We require to track an exception in log files on different systems. A unique identifier should be provided by the logged exception to trace the event through several log files. Unique Exception Identifier
We require that every exception contains the time it has been created (ok, that is pretty easy). Time
We require our exceptions to be I18N capable to be localized for different locales. Internationalization
Although we do not need exception information in different languages, we want to separate those messages from the code, preferably with resource bundles. Again: Internationalization, but supporting only one locale.
We have to design a new application and want to inform us about best practices according to exception handling. Best Practices Index