Alias Report

Reports about aliases defined in this project.

For further information about how to integrate the generated alias scripts with your development environment, please refer to the alias-maven-plugin.


Aliases running builds with Maven.

Name Command Comment
t mvn -T 4 clean test Tests a project with Maven. Requires a valid Maven-POM.
p mvn -T 4 clean package Packages a project with Maven. Requires a valid Maven-POM.
i mvn -T 4 clean install Installs a project with Maven. Requires a valid Maven-POM.
s mvn -T 4 initialize site Creates Maven site. Requires a valid Maven-POM.
sd mvn -T 4 clean deploy site-deploy Creates and deploys a project and its Maven site. Requires a valid Maven-POM.
l mvn initialize license:format Formats license headers in a Maven project. Requires a valid Maven-POM and a configured maven-license-plugin.


Aliases to deploy project artifacts to a JBoss application server.

Name Command Comment
asd mvn jboss-as:deploy Aplication Server Deploy (asd): deploy to application server via management api.
asr mvn jboss-as:redeploy Aplication Server Redeploy (asr): redeploy to application server via management api.
asu mvn jboss-as:undeploy Aplication Server Undeploy (asu): undeploy via management api.
iasd mvn clean install jboss-as:deploy Aplication Server Deploy (asd): build the project and deploy to application server via management api.
iasr mvn clean install jboss-as:redeploy Aplication Server Redeploy (asr): build the project and redeploy to application server via management api.


Aliases synchronizing project information with external information systems.

Name Command Comment
b mvn bugzilla:sync Syncs Bugzilla product with Maven-POM.

For more information please refer to the bugzilla plugin's homepage.

bi mvn bugzilla:init Creates product in Bugzilla based on Maven-POM.

For more information please refer to the bugzilla plugin's homepage.

chj mvn hudson:createJobs Creates Hudson job based on Maven-POM.

For more information please refer to the hudson plugin's homepage.

dhj mvn hudson:deleteJobs Deletes Hudson job based on Maven-POM.

For more information please refer to the hudson plugin's homepage.


Aliases to analyze project information.

Name Command Comment
a mvn dependency:analyze Analyzes the dependencies of this project and determines which are: used and declared; used and undeclared; unused and declared. This goal is intended to be used standalone, thus it always executes the test-compile phase - use the dependency:analyze-only goal instead when participating in the build lifecycle.

For more information please refer to the analyze mojo.

dpu mvn versions:display-plugin-updates Displays all plugins that have newer versions available.

For more information please refer to the display-plugin-updates mojo.

ddu mvn versions:display-dependency-updates Displays all dependencies that have newer versions available.

For more information please refer to the display-dependency-updates mojo.


Aliases to release a project with Maven.

Name Command Comment
r mvn -T 4 release:prepare release:perform Prepares and performs the release of a project.
rpr mvn -T 4 release:prepare Prepares the release of a project.

For more information please refer to the prepare mojo.

rpe mvn -T 4 release:perform Performs the release of a project after it has been prepared.

For more information please refer to the perform mojo.

rr mvn release:rollback Runs a rollback after a failed release. Please note that any SCM tags have to be removed manually.

For more information please refer to the rollback mojo.

rc mvn release:clean Runs a clean after a failed release.

For more information please refer to the clean mojo.


Aliases setting environment variables for the Java runtime.

Name Command Comment
j5 set JAVA_HOME="%JAVA_HOME_5%"^&^& set PATH=%JAVA_HOME_5%\bin;%PATH% Sets environment variable JAVA_HOME to existing JAVA_HOME_5 and prepends it to the PATH.
j6 set JAVA_HOME="%JAVA_HOME_6%"^&^& set PATH=%JAVA_HOME_6%\bin;%PATH% Sets environment variable JAVA_HOME to existing JAVA_HOME_6 and prepends it to the PATH.
j7 set JAVA_HOME="%JAVA_HOME_7%"^&^& set PATH=%JAVA_HOME_7%\bin;%PATH% Sets environment variable JAVA_HOME to existing JAVA_HOME_7 and prepends it to the PATH. (windows)

... and quit!

Launches the command and closes the shell on successful termination. On error the shell is turned red and beeps for attention.

Name Command Comment
taq @echo off $T color $T mvn -T 4 clean test {@args} ^&^& exit $T color F4 $T @echo on $T echo {@bell} Tests a project with Maven. Requires a valid Maven-POM.
paq @echo off $T color $T mvn -T 4 clean package {@args} ^&^& exit $T color F4 $T @echo on $T echo {@bell} Packages a project with Maven. Requires a valid Maven-POM.
iaq @echo off $T color $T mvn -T 4 clean install {@args} ^&^& exit $T color F4 $T @echo on $T echo {@bell} Installs a project with Maven. Requires a valid Maven-POM.
saq @echo off $T color $T mvn -T 4 initialize site {@args} ^&^& exit $T color F4 $T @echo on $T echo {@bell} Creates Maven site. Requires a valid Maven-POM.
sdaq @echo off $T color $T mvn -T 4 clean deploy site-deploy {@args} ^&^& exit $T color F4 $T @echo on $T echo {@bell} Creates and deploys a project and its Maven site. Requires a valid Maven-POM.
laq @echo off $T color $T mvn initialize license:format {@args} ^&^& exit $T color F4 $T @echo on $T echo {@bell} Formats license headers in a Maven project. Requires a valid Maven-POM and a configured maven-license-plugin.
raq @echo off $T color $T mvn -T 4 release:prepare release:perform {@args} ^&^& exit $T color F4 $T @echo on $T echo {@bell} Prepares and performs the release of a project.
rpraq @echo off $T color $T mvn -T 4 release:prepare {@args} ^&^& exit $T color F4 $T @echo on $T echo {@bell} Prepares the release of a project.

For more information please refer to the prepare mojo.

rpeaq @echo off $T color $T mvn -T 4 release:perform {@args} ^&^& exit $T color F4 $T @echo on $T echo {@bell} Performs the release of a project after it has been prepared.

For more information please refer to the perform mojo.

rraq @echo off $T color $T mvn release:rollback {@args} ^&^& exit $T color F4 $T @echo on $T echo {@bell} Runs a rollback after a failed release. Please note that any SCM tags have to be removed manually.

For more information please refer to the rollback mojo.

rcaq @echo off $T color $T mvn release:clean {@args} ^&^& exit $T color F4 $T @echo on $T echo {@bell} Runs a clean after a failed release.

For more information please refer to the clean mojo. (bash)

... and quit!

Launches the command and closes the shell on successful termination. On error the shell beeps for attention.

Name Command Comment
taq mvn -T 4 clean test {@args} && exit ; echo {@bell} Tests a project with Maven. Requires a valid Maven-POM.
paq mvn -T 4 clean package {@args} && exit ; echo {@bell} Packages a project with Maven. Requires a valid Maven-POM.
iaq mvn -T 4 clean install {@args} && exit ; echo {@bell} Installs a project with Maven. Requires a valid Maven-POM.
saq mvn -T 4 initialize site {@args} && exit ; echo {@bell} Creates Maven site. Requires a valid Maven-POM.
sdaq mvn -T 4 clean deploy site-deploy {@args} && exit ; echo {@bell} Creates and deploys a project and its Maven site. Requires a valid Maven-POM.
laq mvn initialize license:format {@args} && exit ; echo {@bell} Formats license headers in a Maven project. Requires a valid Maven-POM and a configured maven-license-plugin.
raq mvn -T 4 release:prepare release:perform {@args} && exit ; echo {@bell} Prepares and performs the release of a project.
rpraq mvn -T 4 release:prepare {@args} && exit ; echo {@bell} Prepares the release of a project.

For more information please refer to the prepare mojo.

rpeaq mvn -T 4 release:perform {@args} && exit ; echo {@bell} Performs the release of a project after it has been prepared.

For more information please refer to the perform mojo.

rraq mvn release:rollback {@args} && exit ; echo {@bell} Runs a rollback after a failed release. Please note that any SCM tags have to be removed manually.

For more information please refer to the rollback mojo.

rcaq mvn release:clean {@args} && exit ; echo {@bell} Runs a clean after a failed release.

For more information please refer to the clean mojo.

generated by alias-maven-plugin