Types for topics used in projectdoc spaces.

For some topic types there are specific doctypes. So there is no topic type instance defined for:

  • Procedure: Checklist (doctype) or Howto (topic type)
  • Process: View (doctype)
  • Definition List: Glossary Item (doctype)
  • Trouble Shooting: FAQ (doctype)

Topic Types

Sections related to this topic.

An in-depth publication of information on a given topic.
Cheat Sheet
A table of syntactic information where the user is expected to already know the background information. Used only to remember the correct syntax.
A short, straight-to-the-point set of instructions to accomplish a specific task.
A view on a given topic at an instance of time. May be relevant for management, compliance or documentation for later reference.
A short information with reference(s) to further information. A shot is a tip or trick, a remarkable observation to be shared with others.
Provides a tour through a collection of articles with a given question and specific audience.
A problem-centric introduction to a given problem. It is a learning tool to transfer knowledge. Usually provides references for further information to investigate related topics in greater detail.
A comprehensive, often authoritative collection of information.