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  • How to use the Software Developer Doctypes?

Short Description
I've installed the Software Developer Doctypes. How am I supposed to use them?


I've installed the Software Developer Doctypes. How am I supposed to use them?


The doctypes provided by the Software Development Doctypes are used to document artifacts of an agile software development project. Agile implies that you do not want to follow a process to create documentation, but that you and your stakeholders define the type of documents that are useful for the project and the users of the products you create.

We do not assume that this set of templates defines completely what you need. This would probably defy the notion of agile as we have defined it above. Instead look at these doctypes as a starting point for the definition of your templates. Select those that generate value for you and deactivate those that do not.

Tour for Template Authors may help you to get started with defining your own templates.