Child pages
  • Page Blueprint

A page blueprint is a set of page templates with added functionality to help you create, manage and organize content in Confluence more easily.

Short Name

A page blueprint is the implementation of a document type in Confluence. It contains one ore more templates that form the base for new pages.

Page Blueprints and Space Blueprints


We need to differentiate between page blueprints, that build the basis for pages, and space blueprints, that are used to create spaces on a Confluence server. When speaking of blueprints one usually refers to page blueprints.

Related Terms

Atlassian REST API Browser
Interactive API explorer for Atlassian products.
Custom Property
A property defined by the author or template author on a Confluence page.
Document Type Index Page
Index pages provide views on document instances of a given type.
Describes the inclusion of a fragment of one page into another page. The term transclusion is a synonym for excerpt.
The term is used by Confluence to describe the technique to transclude one or more content fragments from one or more documents.
The Confluence wiki space contains pages. If the page contains the Document Properties Marker Macro, it is a projectdoc document.
A tool to organize pages. A space is like a folder that contains Confluence pages.
Space Blueprint
A space blueprints is a tool to help users bootstrap the space creation process. From a dialog users select a space blueprint and create a new space with a basic, blueprint-specific set of pages.
A template is part of a Confluence blueprint.
Wiki Markup
Wiki Markup is a special syntax used in Confluence to describe pages. At specific locations this syntax is the only way to add macros. This is the only use case for this kind of markup in the context of the projectdoc Toolbox.


A list of resources for more information on Confluence Blueprints.

Confluence user's point of view on blueprints.
Meet Confluence Blueprints: Best Practices Made Easy
A blog article by Ryan Anderson on blueprints.
Confluence Blueprints
Confluence developer's point of view on blueprints.
Doctypes define properties and sections for documents. They are essentially Confluence Blueprints that help to create pages in your wiki based on templates.
Doctype add-ons Source
List of doctype add-ons providing space and page blueprints based on the projectdoc Toolbox on Bitbucket.