projectdoc Toolbox

Fixing 86 issues since version 2.4.

Today we released version 2.5.1 of the projectdoc Toolbox on the Atlassian Marketplace!

This release provides some new features, improvements of existing features, and fixes a number issues.

The projectdoc Toolbox is an add-on for Confluence supporting agile software development teams to collaborate on process, project, system, and product documentation. 

Release Notes Overview

New and Noteworthy

Check Property Value

With this version it is possible to show a section or content dependent on a property value.


Prior to this version hiding has been only possible on the presence or absence of a property.

Flags Property

All document types now provide an additional hidden property to add arbitrary strings. These strings are Flags and are used to filter document.

In contrast to Subject, Categories, and Tags, Flags are not defined by their own document type (therefore are not documented) and will not be used to describe the HTML document with Metadata Sets.

Wiki Syntax

Selected macros from the projectdoc Toolbox can now be used with wiki syntax. This allows to use these macros with Confluence, where the new macros are not allowed (such as the menu).

Updated Doctypes

The references and resources section use the Tour Macro by default. This makes it much easier for authors to add references to internal pages and show their short description.

The table is rendered as a definition list. So if the link in the first column of the table is an external link, and no short description is provided, the definition list supports a compact representation by omitting the data value.

Developer Diaries use Templates

Some developer diaries doctypes now use the template feature with the Display Table Macro. This allows to render the Iteration property compactly with the Short Description.

Layout Macros

The projectdoc Toolbox provides macros for layouting web pages.

These include:

Layout Element Macro
Renders an block or inline element of a page.
Action Button Macro
Renders an action button to link to a projectdoc document, Confluence page, or external resource.
Image Element Macro
Renders an image with an overlay text.
Random Transclusion Macro
Transcludes random content from a document marked with the content marker macro.
Page Include Macro
Supports page inclusion dependent on the space of the primary page.
Primary Page Display Document Property Macro
Renders the value of a document property from the primary page.

Breaking Changes

New Blueprint IDs

For all doctype add-on updates to their model version the blueprint keys change. This will effect the Create From Template Macro on existing pages.

This issue needs to either be resolved manually or by a text replacement tool.

Only the value for the blueprintModuleCompleteKey parameter of the macro needs to be replaced.

<ac:parameter ac:name="blueprintModuleCompleteKey">

The new key prefix (excluding the name of the doctype) for the Software Development Doctypes Add-on is


To update the value a user with write access may simply change the value in the macro editor of the Create From Template Macro:

If you do not want to scroll through long lists of blueprints, you may use the Source Code Editor and do the text replacement in the page source.

Reindex required

In order to fix broken phantom references (due to PDAC-922 - Getting issue details... STATUS ), a reindex is required.

Doctype Add-ons

Doctype add-ons provide space and page blueprints based on the projectdoc Toolbox.

projectdoc Core Doctypes

List of breaking changes in this add-on.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution

projectdoc Add-on for arc42

List of breaking changes in this add-on.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution

Known Issues

Site refresh required
After import of a space, a reindex and in some cases a refresh page tree is required.
Space cannot be deleted
Some spaces resist to be deleted.
Create From Template Macro fails
Instead of creating a new document instance for a doctype, the template button macro only logs an error to the browser's console.

Upgrade Instructions

Install the new OBR of the projectdoc Toolbox.

Updating the following extensions is required.

Extension Add-on for the projectdoc Toolbox Version

Updating the following doctype add-ons is recommended.

List of Changes

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

Related Releases

Doctype Add-ons

Doctype add-ons provide space and page blueprints based on the projectdoc Toolbox.

Doctype add-ons typically provide blueprints based on macros provided by the projectdoc Toolbox. These add-ons need a licensed version of the projectdoc Toolbox to be installed.

projectdoc Core Doctypes

List of changes in this add-on.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

projectdoc for Software Development

List of changes in this add-on.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

projectdoc Add-on for arc42

List of changes in this add-on.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

projectdoc for Agile Planning

List of changes in this add-on.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

projectdoc Developer Diaries

List of changes in this add-on.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description

Doctypes for Project Management

List of changes in this add-on.

Key Summary T P Status Resolution Description


Release Notes
Information on all released versions of the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence.
Terms used in and defined for projectdoc.
Questions and answers related to the projectdoc Toolbox and Confluence.