projectdoc Toolbox

Sort keys help to control the sort order of a set of documents. This order seems to come magical for users, since the sort key is usually not displayed. The order establishes a path to a set of documents displayed as a list as the result of a query.

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Typically add a numeric value that is left padded by zeros, such as 00010 for the first document. If you are unsure about the number of documents, you may start with 0000100 or something that fits your expectations.

Please note that you may always introduce a new property for a document to use their values for sorting. The Sort Key Property is just a value that is taken into account per default. That is, if you do not specify a property for the sort order.

Sort keys are generated automatically for subdocument doctypes. So documents of these types will be ordered by their sequence of creation.

Associates two documents.
Excerpts are abstracts of information found in a resource, such as a book. If you want to go into more detail for a given resource, there may be multiple excerpts as subpages of the resource document.
Profiles provide views on documents via delegation.
Sections of a document are typically part of a document. But the size of sections may vary. To support a team to write collaboratively on the documentation, a larger document may be subdivided into external section documents.
Describes a single step of an activity. A step is a generic document that is associated with a document that describes a process. It may be a test log or a howto.


  • Display List Macro - Lists references to projectdoc documents in a list. List contain names and optional short descriptions.
  • Display List Template Macro - Lists references to projectdoc documents in a list. List items are defined by templates referencing properties.
  • Display Table Macro - Lists references to projectdoc documents in a table. Allows to select document properties for columns. Also non-list representations are provided.
  • Index Card Macro - Renders transcluded content fetched from documents of a result set.
  • Index Entries Table Macro - Renders a table of index entries.
  • Transclude Documents Macro - Renders transcluded content fetched from documents of a result set.