projectdoc Toolbox

Property values are inherently considered to be a list of strings. Typically this a good thing since it makes working with list of names very easy. Sometimes it makes things more difficult.

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Whenever a property value allows for a list of values, these values are simply separated by a comma. This is a natural way to separate values.

Sometimes the value of a property contains a comma, but it is considered to be a single value. This tip shows how to deal with this issue.


Every value of a property is by default able to host a list of strings. These strings are separated by commas. If you need to protect a value to be split, use the property control is-single-value.

Name Property

The name property typically does not contain a comma. But when it does, the name is split into a couple of names.

One would expect that running an exact match query for "Doe, Jane" would yield a hit. But it does not.

A standard search has hits.

So the document is indexed with Lucene. But how can we specify an exact match query?

You need to mark the property to have only a single value. This is done with the control is-single-value.

Then exact match queries will work as expected.

Index Macros

Glossary Items may also contain a comma in their name. The Index Entries Table Macro and the Index Card Macro allow to reference glossary items to link to. From version 1.17 of the projectdoc Toolbox, these macros allow to specify the separator. Per default this is the comma. Since version 1.17 it is possible to specify the separator '\n' and provide each item on its own line.


Information on related topics.

Document Properties
Properties are metadata that can be added to every projectdoc document. If you require a set of metadata for each instance of a document type, you should write your own doctype.
Document Property Controls
Lists valid controls for properties to be used in document properties tables.
Document Properties Marker Macro
A table containing document properties. Three columns: name, value and meta data (aka controls) to a property.
Search Tips
Tips on specifying search queries for Lucene. This also applies to projectdoc's query macros.