projectdoc Toolbox

The short description, stored in the blueprint context may contain placeholders that are translated to their final values.


Explains the parameters related to the creation that are added to the blueprint context.

Translate Placeholders in Short Description

The following placeholders are translated:

@parentPageTitleInserts the title of the parent page.

Inserts the title of the current page. This is useful for template authors for use cases where a macro references a page by its title.

It cannot be used with the wizard, because the page has no title.

@spaceKeyInserts the key of the current space.
@spaceNameInserts the name of the current space.
@currentDateInserts the current date, formatted by the global formatter configuration.
@currentDateTokenInserts the current date formatted by yyyy-MM-dd (year, month, day).

Transcluded By

NameShort DescriptionDoctype
The standard context provider or templates.
The standard context provider or templates to create subpages. The context provider basically deals with the title uniqueness (by adding the parent document's name as part of the page title) and sort order (first documents first).
The standard context provider for home and special pages.


Page Wizard Placeholder
The pages wizards provide placeholder to make page creation easier.
Variables for Blueprints
The projectdoc Toolbox provides an interface for template authors to replace placeholders with space and context properties.