projectdoc Toolbox

Allows to select a probability for a risk.



The macro allows to select from a fixed set of property values from a dropdown.

Doctypes for more Flexibility


If you need to define the value for risk probabilities for your project, please consider to use the Risk Probability Doctype with the Name List Macro.

The Risk Doctype uses this approach.


Storage Format

The storage format to add the macro to a page is this:

<ac:structured-macro ac:name="projectdoc-risk-probability"/>

Related Macros

NameShort Description
Actor Type Macro
Allows to select the type of an actor.
Communication Type Macro
Allows to select the type of communication between two entities.
Allows to select the complexity for an item.
Day Rating
Allows a user to select a rating for a day.
Documented Information Type Macro
Defines the type of a documented information.
Even Rating
Allows to select a rating from values between one and four. Since there is no middle ground, the selection is either on the lower or on the upper side.
Feature Importance Macro
Allows to select the importance of a feature.
HML Rating
Allows to rate an item in three simple categories: High, Mid, and Low. This categories are especially useful to rate scenarios in quality trees.
Open Issue Severity Macro
Allows to select a severity for an open issue.
Open Issue Status Macro
Allows to select a status for an open issue.
Pattern Domain
Allows to select the domain for a pattern.
Allows to prioritize an item in a range of five categories.
Project Constraint Type Macro
Allows to select the type of a project constraint.
Quality Scenario Type Macro
Allows to select the type of a quality scenario.
Resource Type
Allows to select the type of a resource from a fixed set of values.
Risk Phase Macro
Allows to select a phase of a risk.
Risk Severity Macro
Allows to select a severity for a risk.
Allows to select a value to define the severity for an item.
Allows to select a status for an issue.
Technical Debt Quality Macro
Allows to select the quality type of technical debt.
Use Case Level Macro
Allows to select the level of an use case.
User Character Type Macro
Allows to select the type of an user character.
Vision Statement Type Macro
Allows to select the type of a vision statement.
Word Type
Allows to select the type of word for a glossary term.