projectdoc Toolbox

Module Index

List of all modules.

NameShort DescriptionParent
The date and time of the document creation are added to the blueprint context.
Add Space Information to Blueprint Context
The space key and a XML element to reference a space are generated by default.
Add-on Available soon Notice
A short explanation what it means if an doctype or extension add-on is available soon.
arc42 10th Anniversary Promotion
Due to arc42 celebration we start a promotion of projectdoc. It lasts from April 22nd, 2015 to the end of June.
arc42 Resources
Atlassian Ressources
Image resources for Atlassian and Atlassian products.
Authentication with Information Systems Extension
Since version 1.4 the extension supports Application Links with Impersonating OAuth and Basic Authentication.
Code Block Macro Standard Parameters
Lists the standard parameters provided by the Code Block Macro. Transcluded by projectdoc macros that pass their values to this macro.
Code Block Macro Standard Parameters without Plain-Option
Lists the standard parameters provided by the Code Block Macro without the plain option (allowing to pass around the Code Block Macro). Transcluded by projectdoc macros that pass their values to this macro.
The notice is shown on each doctype page of the projectdoc Toolbox Manual.
CSS Classes for Sections and Content Fragements
Describes the classes to define to format the main index.
Deprecation box with information about the deprecation of link macros in the Information Systems Extension of the projectdoc Toolbox.
Deprecation of InfoSys Transclusion Macros in 1.0
Deprecation box with information about the deprecation of transclusion macros in the Information Systems Extension of the projectdoc Toolbox.
Display Property Usage Warning
A warning displayed in display property macros.
Doctype Add-on Sources
The sources for the free doctype add-ons is available via Bitbucket.
Feedback welcome!
Box to invite users to get in touch.
Filter Display Table Macro Module
Module to provide a filter for a display table macro.
List of icons used on this site.
Information System Extension Notice
A notice for users of the projectdoc Toolbox prior to version 1.11 which contained the information system macros.
List of Macros
List of all macros of the projectdoc Toolbox.
Maven Extension Beta
Information box warning users about the beta status of the Maven Extension and add-ons that depend on it.
Note Box referencing common Document Properties
In order to not duplicate the information about common properties provided by all doctypes, this box allows to reference the topic that provides this information.
Note Box referencing common Document Properties (no own Properties)
In order to not duplicate the information about common properties provided by all doctypes, this box allows to reference the topic that provides this information. This template assumes that the referring template does not provide any properties.
Number Format
Explains the symbols to use to define number format patterns.
One Tip at a Time
A short introduction to the tips we provide on our site and the concept of twittering one per week.
Page Title and Document Name Handling
The page title and document name are adjusted according to the context of the creation.
Please Backup your Data first!
Important to run only on data that is backed up.
Presentation Module
Make a presentation transcluding this module.
print-quirk-modes Hint for Box Macros
To export a page using this macro with K15t Scroll Office the print-quirk-modes should be enabled.
projectdoc Show Cases Navigation
Box to support navigating show cases for projectdoc.
REST API Browser
Use the Confluence REST API Browser to explore the REST API of the projectdoc Toolbox.
Security Note for Hide Macros
Do not use the hide macros for confidential information. Hide macros are only for convenience of the user, not to secure data.
The smartics logo with and without the claim in diffferent formats.
Sort By Property
Documents the use of the Sort Key Property of search macros.
Supplier Support for Web API Extension
A box to remind readers that setting properties in supplied tables is available since version 1.2 of the projectdoc Web API Extension.
Tips for the Web API Examples
Module page to collect tips for using the Web API REST Examples.
Transclusion only from projectdoc Documents
Transclusion is only allowed from projectdoc documents. Confluence pages without the Document Properties Marker Macro usually do not work.
Transclusion Warning Accessing external Resources
A box to show a warning to be cautions transcluding pages or parts of pages from external resources.
Translate Placeholders in Short Description
The short description, stored in the blueprint context may contain placeholders that are translated to their final values.
Version Information as Properties
Lists documentation for properties that document version information: since, deprecated, and removed.
What is projectdoc?
A short introduction for the tips in the blog and other similar locations.

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