projectdoc Toolbox

Shows the list of documents that transclude content from the current document.

This bookmarklet provides information on pages transcluding from the current projectdoc document shown in the browser.


The bookmarklet is ready to use. Simply drag and drop the bookmarklet button to the bookmarks in your browser.

Ready to use!

Bookmarklets editor


The Bookmarklets Extension contains a doctype that provides a bookmarklets editor to edit and create bookmarklets.


The code is available on the resource repository.

AJS.toInit(function () {
  const pageId = AJS.Meta.get('page-id');
  const locale = AJS.Meta.get('user-locale');
  const baseUrl = AJS.Meta.get('base-url');

  function createPage(i18n, currentDocument, documents) {
    const htmlTitle = "Transcluding Documents for " + currentDocument[];
    let html = "<html lang='" + locale + "'><head><title>" + htmlTitle + "</title><style>" +
      " body {margin: 1rem !important;}" +
      " .table-sm td, .table-sm th {padding: .1rem !important;}" +
      " .table td, .table th { font-size: .8rem !important;}" +
      "</style>" +
      "<link rel=\"stylesheet\"" +
      " href=\"\"" +
      " integrity=\"sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T\"" +
      " crossorigin=\"anonymous\">" +
      "</head><body><h3>" + htmlTitle + "</h3>";
    html += "<table class=\"table table-sm table-bordered table-striped\">";

    const hitCount = documents.document.length;
    const tinyUrlNamePlain = i18n["tinyUrl"] + '\u00a7';
    html += "<p>Content of document '<a href='" + currentDocument[tinyUrlNamePlain] + "'>" + currentDocument[] + "</a>' is transcluded by ";
    if (hitCount === 0) {
      html += "no document.</p>";
    } else if (hitCount === 1) {
      html += "one document.</p>";
    } else {
      html += hitCount + " documents.</p>";

    $.each(documents.document, function (index, doc) {
        const current = {};
        $.each(, function (i, property) {
          current[] = property.value;
        const name = current[];
        const shortDescription = current[i18n.shortDescription];
        const url = current[tinyUrlNamePlain];
        html = html + "<tr><th><a href='" + url + "'>" + name + "</a></th><td>" + shortDescription + "</td></tr>";

    html += "</table></body></html>";
    return html;

  const i18n = PDBMLS.fetchI18n(baseUrl, ["title", "spaceKey", "name", "shortDescription", "tinyUrl"]);
  const tinyUrlNamePlain = i18n["tinyUrl"] + '\u00a7';
  const currentDocument = PDBMLS.fetchDocument(baseUrl, pageId, [i18n.spaceKey, i18n.title,, tinyUrlNamePlain]);

  if (currentDocument) {
    const spaceKey = currentDocument[i18n.spaceKey];
    const title = currentDocument[i18n.title];
    const pageReference = spaceKey + "." + title;
    const where = "$<TranscludedDocumentTitles>=[" + pageReference + "]";

    const documents = PDBMLS.fetchDocuments(baseUrl, [, i18n.shortDescription, tinyUrlNamePlain], where);
    let html = createPage(i18n, currentDocument, documents);

    const container ='', '', 'width=600,height=800,location=no,toolbar=0');
    container.document.body.innerHTML = html;



Note that the bookmarklets we present on this page are work-in-progress.

Currently we even refer to the master branch of the bookmark's JavaScript code. This will change in future once we have proper releases for our bookmarks project.

While we use the code in our daily work, your use case may be different. Therefore please check the code and maybe fork the projectdoc Bookmarklets Project to adjust the code according to your requirements.