projectdoc Toolbox

Renders a space property value.

Renders a space property value.

Do not use as property value


Do not use the space property macro as a value to a document property. If the value of the space property changes, the value of the document property that references the value will not be updated.

This is different to the display document property macros (for instance Display Document Property Macro) where the update of a value will be propagated. A workaround is to reference the property value of the projectdoc document that contains it instead of referencing the space.

This behavior may change in future versions of the projectdoc Toolbox. Therefore users cannot rely on the fact that the update of a property value is currently not propagated.

If the value of a space property is required as value of a document property, using the document property control no-render-cache may help for the majority of use cases. The control forces the property value to be recalculated on each request. Note that in this case the property must not be included in a search since the Lucene index will not be updated. So it may be a good choice to also set noindex to true.



The reference to the space from which the property is to be read. Note that the space may define delegate spaces or extensions to fetch the property from.

Property Name

 The name of the space property to fetch the property value.

Default Value

A default value to render, if the space property is neither set or is blank.

Related Macros

Display Document Properties Macro
Renders a template with property references.
Display Document Property As Image Macro
Renders the value of a document property as an image. The property value is required to an URL that points to an image.
Display Document Property As Link Macro
Renders the value of a document property as a link with an alternative label.
Display Document Property As List Macro
Renders the list value of a document property.
Display Document Property Macro
Renders the value of a property of a document.
Display Document Property Ref Concat Macro
Displays a single property of a document that is referred by a property of another document and concatenates it with the value of a local property.
Display Document Property Ref Macro
Displays a document property from a referenced document.
Display Space Attribute Macro
Renders a space attribute value.
Document Properties Marker Macro
A table containing document properties. Three columns: name, value and meta data (aka controls) to a property.
Document Properties Supplier Attachment Macro
A table supplying additional document properties from an attached file.
Document Properties Supplier From Documents Macro
Import properties from another projectdoc document.
Document Properties Supplier Macro
A table containing additional document properties. Three columns: name, value and meta data (aka controls) to a property.
Tour Macro
Renders a predefined list of documents in a table.


Space Properties
Lists the configuration options at space level.
Space List Macro
Renders spaces with their attributes in a table or list.