projectdoc Toolbox

Central Data Types

List of central data types.

A single value of true or false.
Content Identifier
A single value in form of a sequence of characters to form a unique identifier.
Content Identifiers
A list of Content Identifiers.
Content Tag
A single value in form of a sequence of characters to form an identifier.
Content Tags
A list of Content Tags.
CSS Class
The name of a CSS class that is associated with a set of CSS styles.
CSS Classes
A list of CSS class names.
Document Name
A single value referring to the name of a document.
Document Names
A list of Document Names.
Document Title
A single value referring to the title of a document.
Document Titles
A list of Document Titles.
Macro Parameter Name
A single value referring to the name of a macro parameter.
Macro Parameter Names
A list of Macro Parameter Names.
Property Control Name
A single value representing the name of a property control. Property control names may be specific to documents or spaces.
Property Control Names
A list of Property Control Names.
Property Control Value
A single value representing the value of a property control.
Property Control Values
A list of Property Control Values.
Property Name
A single value referring to the name of a property.
Property Names
A list of Property Names.
A single value in form of a sequence of characters.
A list of Strings.

Data Type Index

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Index Views for Data Types