projectdoc Toolbox

The hour of day of the date the document has been created. The value is created by Confluence.

Data Type

The creation time is rendered with the time renderer provided by Confluence. The text version (with the suffix $) renders the medium version of the time.


This should render the HTML version of the hour of the day. But since there is no such widget the default format is used to return the value as text.

The normalized version is returned if the name is suffixed with a §. The format is HHmmss.


Creation Date
The date the document has been created. The value is created by Confluence.
Last Modification Date
The date the document had been modified lately. The date is generated by Confluence.
Last Modification Time
The time of day of the date the document had been modified lately. The date is generated by Confluence.
Last Modifier
The name of the user who added the last modifications to the document. The value is generated by Confluence.
Last Version Comment
The last comment added by the last modifier for the Confluence page.
Last Version Number with Comment
The last version Number that actually has a comment.
Version Comment
The comment added by the last modifier for the last version of the Confluence page. If there is no comment, the property is not set.
Version Number
The last version number of the Confluence page.
The list of document names, starting from the root page, including the name of this page.