An overview over the use cases for which the projectdoc Toolbox provides support.

Working with templates turns your mind to focus on the content you want to communicate.

As an author it is still your responsibility to align your information with the structure of your document to help your readers getting to the point quickly. The structures of the templates aside, there is a basic structure that support you getting your stuff right.

  1. First motivate why the information is relevant for your audience. Define what the information is good for.
  2. Define the context the information is relevant in. Discuss the topic in-depth and provide the necessary background information.
  3. Provide examples on how to use or how it is already used. Maybe help your audience with a step-by-step guide.
  4. Envision on what will be next and possible extension points.

This four-step approach is explained in more detail by Stefan Zörner and Uwe Vigenschow. Their work is based on the quadrants typology of Carl Gustav Jung.

The following links provide more information on this topic, albeit in German:

The templates are guides to help you find areas to cover. They may or may not come naturally in the specified sequence of section. If the order of sections in the template does not support your point, change it! Your structure must support the information you transport.

Sections that do not help your topic are just left empty. If you later find they might contribute, add content and they will appear to your readers.

Highlights & Features


In Highlights and Features we list capabilities of the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence.

Use Cases

The following list of use cases are examples for what is supported by the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence.

NameShort DescriptionCategory
Community of Practice
Build an infrastructure to meet your requirements for a practicing community sharing interest in a given domain.
/ Work
Domain Crunching
Collect and maintain information relevant for your team, project, or organization collaboratively.
/ Domain
Exploratory Testing
Run a time-boxed test session based on a test charter to answer questions of stakeholders.
/ Work
To work with a domain everybody needs to use the terms unerringly. Create a glossary to create a common understanding of your domains.
/ Domain
You want to track your findings? Either with your team or individual? The projectdoc Toolbox supports teams to create project or team journals and individual team members to keep a professional diary.
/ Work / Journal
Create a library for your project. Reference books, podcasts, videos, and other resources that provide information on the topics relevant for your project.
/ Domain
Collaborate to create documents for your stakeholders as a team.
/ Work
Product Documentation
Provide information on how users work with your product. This includes information for users of all roles that interact with the product.
/ Product
Project Management
Make all decisions, issues, and project relevant resources easily accessible for your team. This includes meeting minutes, stakeholder contact information, open issues, and identified risks with their mitigation strategy.
/ Project
Tag your documents and create reports on your documents in tabular form
/ Domain
Service Management Documentation
Communicate the necessary information on maintaining and using a service of your portfolio.
/ Volume
Software Architecture Documentation
Communicate the quality targets, context, and design drivers of your software architecture.
/ Volume
User Documentation for Java Library
Provide a standard documentation for users of a library for Java.
/ Product Documentation
User Documentation for Maven Plugin
Provide a standard documentation for users of a plugin for Maven.
/ Product Documentation


More information on the projectoc Toolbox:

projectdoc Introduction
A short introduction into the concepts and features of the projectdoc Toolbox.
Hands-on Tutorial
Get started with the projectdoc Toolbox: learning by doing
Quick Start to learn projectdoc in 4 Steps!
More than a short introduction, this tutorial introduces the need-to-know basics to get started with projectdoc.
Tour for Document Authors
Tour through the documentation for users who want to learn to create documents based on projectdoc doctypes.
Show Cases
A set of Confluence spaces showing projectdoc in action.