Child pages
  • Materialize Document Property

Precalculate a property value and store it as an artificial property.

A property value can be referenced by a property path. The property path points to another property by name. The property may be in the same or a different document. The property value's type must be a reference to another document for each of the properties in the path except for the last.

Sample property paths are:

  • Type→Sort Key
  • IT Service→IT System→Type

Materializing puts the property value at the end of the path as the value of a property in the referencing document (i.e. the document containing the property path).


Materialize by Doctype
Specify which properties to materialize as artificial properties by doctype.
Materialize the controlled property by an artificial property with the given path.
Doctype Descriptor
Describes the doctypes model.
Materialize Properties
Using existing properties from other documents.