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  • Document Type Metadata

Metadata for a document type to be applied to all document instances.


Document type metadata is information about a document type. By nature these properties are inherited to all document instances that are created based on this type.

The document type metadata is added as an artificial document property to the document instance. So it can be accessed by any client through the interface of a document.


For instance, all journal events are records. Therefore the Event doctype defines a metadata is-a with a value of record. This information is stored as an artificial document property to every document of type Event.

Document type metadata cannot be defined inside a Confluence instance. This form of metadata may be defined in the doctype model. Please refer to Doctype Descriptor / Metadata for more information.

In case you are not using doctype models, this metadata can be implemented as a document property. The metadata would be accessed normally, but in case the metadata value changes, the properties in all existing document instances would need to be updated with the new values.