Child pages
  • Author

The producer of a resource to be part of the documentation. The resource is typically a document or presentation, but may also be a prodcast or video.


The author creates documents and communicates information relevant for a project. The role is also part of a technical communicator, who is also seen as the user's advocate.

In the context of projectdoc, every team member my be in the role of an author. Even if the produced documents are only input for technical writers.


NameShort DescriptionDoctypeAudience
Collecting Information
Get users started with collecting external information that is relevant for their project. Each piece of information is referenced by a resource document. Excerpts and quotes are used to catch detailed information and make it referenceable.
Documentation Architect, Author
Quick Start to learn projectdoc in 4 Steps!
More than a short introduction, this tutorial introduces the need-to-know basics to get started with projectdoc.
Reference Tour
Author, Confluence Administrator, Documentation Gardener, projectdoc Developer, Template Author
Tour for Document Authors
Tour through the documentation for users who want to learn to create documents based on projectdoc doctypes.
Tour for Software Developers
Overview over the most relevant information for software developers to create their documentation on Confluence with the projectdoc Toolbox.
Documentation Architect, Author, Documentation Gardener
(Not) Using Templates with Variables
Shows what to expect when using variables in 'User Created Templates' or 'Global Templates'.
Accessing projectdoc Properties with cURL
Learn how to access projectdoc properties via REST API with cURL.
Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Accessing projectdoc Space Properties with cURL
Learn how to access projectdoc space properties via REST API with cURL.
Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Additional Properties
Sometimes you need to add properties to a set of documents in a given context. This can be handled in two ways: add the property to each document or use the Tour Macro.
Aggregating Doctypes
Doctypes to help organize the space. This includes homepages for particular information (like the homepages for each doctype) and tours that provide a specific view on existing documentation.
Author, Template Author, Documentation Architect
Agile Documentation
Agile documentation is not another buzzword. There is actually a set of rules to follow which will lead to meaningful documentation. Writing helpful documentation is not easy, but it gets a lot easier with the agile mindset - and with the projectdoc Toolbox.
Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener, Author, Template Author
Ancestor Queries
The projectdoc Toolbox makes it easy to search for documents with a given set of constraints in an ancestor context.
Author, Template Author
Annotate Dynamic Lists
It is pretty easy to annotate dynamic lists with the projectdoc Toolbox on Confluence.
Artificial Properties
In addition to the properties specified in the document properties table, projectdoc provides additional properties drawn from Confluence or metadata.
Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Aspects light
Add a document as a child and automatically make supplied properties available in the parent.
Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener, Template Author, Author
Autoconvert Information System URIs
Introduction to the autoconvert feature for URIs to external systems.
Automatic Lists
Automatic lists are part of every Confluence instance. Especially the Dashboard lists all recent changes automatically. And there are macros to list documents by label and other properties. The projectdoc Toolbox supports queries on any properties defined for your documents. This allows you to provide lists of references to your readers that are relevant in a given context.
Basic Concepts and Conventions for projectdoc
Concepts central to projectdoc. Things users have to understand to get the most out of using projectdoc.
Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener, Template Author
Categories of Information System Macros
Overview over the different categories of macros that are part of the Information Systems Extension.
Organize your spaces with generic and specialized categories.
Documentation Architect, Author
Collaboration Macros
Macros to support a team to write their documentation collaboratively.
Author, Template Author
Colored Sections and Boxes
Colored sections or boxes – like the Confluence panel macro – support authors to emphasize their content.
Author, Template Author, Documentation Architect
Compact Columns
Tables often require a lot of space to be rendered. This tip shows how to reduce the demand of space.
Compact Columns for Tour Macros
The Display Table Macro allows to render the values for a collection of properties for compact tables. With Version 4.5 this feature is also supported by the Tour Macro. This tip shows how to use it.
Compacted Lists
Discard unwanted references in manually compiled lists with the projectdoc Toolbox on Confluence.
Author, Template Author
Confluence as the Information Hub
Tools from the projectdoc Toolbox to import from and export to other information systems.
Documentation Architect, Author
Content Reuse
The projectdoc Toolbox provides a number of features to help teams to reuse content. Content can be transcluded individually or in form of a multitransclude. Authors can even transclude content from multiple documents in the wiki, effectively combining transclusion with automatic lists.
Author, Documentation Gardener, Documentation Architect
Control Column Width with Display Table Macro
The Display Table Macro provides a quick fix feature to control the width of the table columns.
Author, Template Author
Create a Personal Space
Adjust your Confluence personal space to work as a personal space for projectdoc.
Documentation Architect, Author
Create a Project Glossary
A step-by-step guide to create a glossary with the projectdoc Toolbox.
Documentation Architect, Author
Create a Workspace
Create a space to work on a given topic. This spaces uses an index space to reuse content.
Documentation Architect, Author
Create an Attachment Space
Organized information of a context, such as a glossary or an address book, in a dedicated space. These spaces are called attachment spaces.
Documentation Architect, Author
Create an Index Space
Create an index space to learn what it is and what it is used for.
Documentation Architect, Author
Deep links can be used on both sides of predicates in a Where Clause.
Author, Template Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Define Status Tags
Doctypes and the Name List Macro allow to specify a range of valid tokens for a value. These values can be rendered by applying specific CSS styles.
Author, Template Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Doctypes in Detail
Learn about properties and sections of a document.
Documentation Architect, Author
Document Development Macros
Macros that help authors to create templates and content.
Author, Template Author
Document Properties
Properties are metadata that can be added to every projectdoc document. If you require a set of metadata for each instance of a document type, you should write your own doctype.
Author, Reader
Document Properties as Data
We like to think of document properties as metadata. But in some contexts it is natural to think of them as data for the entity described by the document.
Author, Template Author
Document Property Controls
Lists valid controls for properties to be used in document properties tables.
Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Documenting Doctypes
These are the generic working horses that are used whenever no specific doctype matches the intention of the author.
Author, Template Author, Documentation Architect
Dynamic Property Values
Property values should only change when a document is saved. They should not be dependent on request-time. If they are, then they are called 'dynamic'.
Author, Documentation Gardener, Documentation Architect
Empty Content
Introduces to the concept of content to be considered to be empty.
Documentation Architect, Template Author, Author
Generic Categories
Categories that are defined to be used with any doctype. So any document instance defined for these categories has to make sense for any doctype.
Author, Template Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Generic Doctypes
What if no existing doctype matches the purpose of the document? Here are some tips how to handle this situation.
Author, Template Author, Documentation Architect
Hands-on Tutorial
Get started with the projectdoc Toolbox: learning by doing
Documentation Architect, Author
Heading Level Transposition
Reusing sections typically includes the transcluded content to match the document structure of the transcluding document. The projectdoc Toolbox does this automatically.
Documentation Architect, Author
How to document a Software Development Project
There is no one-size-fits-all for documenting software projects. What we do is giving you an introduction on how to get started with the projectdoc Toolbox and the Software Development Add-on to define your documentation requirements with Confluence.
Author, Documentation Architect, Template Author
Identify Document Elements
In case an author requires to identify document elements to readers, for instance a numbering of paragraphs or sentences, the Content Marker Macro allows to employ a page-related auto-numbering and provides means to specify the format for these consecutive numbers.
Impersonator - using Live Templates
A short introduction using the impersonator feature of the projectdoc Toolbox. In this example we examine what to do to reuse a layout defined in another document.
Author, Template Author, Documentation Architect
Import Properties for Transclusion
Shows how to import properties from another document to be applied to placeholders in transclusions.
Author, Template Author, Documentation Architect
Information System Macros
List of macros linking to or transcluding from external information systems.
Author, Documentation Architect
Learning projectdoc
Getting started with the projectdoc Toolbox is not easy. Some basic concepts are more than just good-to-know and the number of macros and doctypes may be simply overwhelming. This tip gives some advice on how to get started.
Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener, Author, Template Author, Sponsor
Linking to Glossary Terms
Show how to use the Name List Macro to render links to glossary terms.
Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener, Template Author, Author
List all Properties
projectdoc provides a number of artificial properties for documents. Spaces may inherit properties from delegate spaces. All properties can be accessed by macros of the toolbox.
Listing related pages to a page is quite easy using the projectdoc Toolbox.
Author, Template Author
Merge Content
Shows how content can be decomposed and merged. This feature can be used to allow transclusion of single sentences and render all sentences in a single paragraph.
Merging Tables and Lists
References listed in tables and lists may come from different sources. The Table Merger Macro allows to render a number of tables (or lists) as one table (or list).
Author, Template Author
Modular Content Doctypes
Doctypes that help to write modular documentation and therefore support single sourcing.
Author, Template Author, Documentation Architect
Modular Documentation Macros
Macros to support single sourcing for creating modular documents.
Author, Template Author
Using sections and modules to organize and reference content.
Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener, Template Author, Author
Navigating Documentations
Categories provide easy navigation. The category page documenting the category automatically lists all documents tagged with this category. A defined set of categories has per default no such homepage.
Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener, Template Author, Author
Parent Property of projectdoc Documents
projectdoc documents typically provide a property named 'Parent Property'. This property refers to a logical parent. This tip shows what this is all about.
Author, Template Author
projectdoc Document
projectdoc is based on projectdoc documents. Creating a projectdoc document is easy: A projectdoc document is a Confluence page using document properties and sections.
Author, Template Author
projectdoc Space Relationships
projectdoc allows to group spaces and to set them in two kinds of relationships: delegate and search.
Author, Template Author
projectdoc Spaces
projectdoc introduces structure on a Confluence space. It adds the concept of homepages for document types.
Author, Template Author
projectdoc System Properties
Lists recognized system properties specified on the command line for starting the Confluence server.
Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Referencing Macros
Macros to help authors to reference other documents that are relevant to the current document.
Author, Template Author
Referencing Property Values
Shows how to render the value of a document property with a display macro. There are actually three variants of this macro that we are discussion in this short article.
Remote Control
Changing the rendered contents of a projectdoc document dynamically for each request.
Author, Template Author
Remote Controls for Transclusion
Alter the rendering of macros of transcluded content with remote controls.
Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener, Template Author
There are basically five ways to render navigation links with additional properties with the projectdoc Toolbox.
Author, Template Author, Documentation Architect
A short introduction on compiling projectdoc documents in dynamic lists using constraints.
Rescue Confluence PagesRescue and restore data of a Confluence page that does not render anymore.
Documentation Gardener, Confluence Administrator, Author
To access Confluence via its REST API with cURL you typically need to authenticate. Learn how to login with cURL and avoid some common security pitfalls.
Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Search Space for Index Spaces
Define the default search space for index spaces.
Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Search Tips
Tips on specifying search queries for Lucene. This also applies to projectdoc's query macros.
Author, Documentation Architect
Section in Action
Use the Section Macro to define sections. This tip introduces the macro by listing its features.
Template Author, Author, Documentation Architect
Selection Boxes on ad-hoc Doctypes
Define a doctype on document instances to select from its set of values.
Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Space Properties
Lists the configuration options at space level.
Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Space Property Controls
Lists valid controls for properties to be used as space properties.
Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Specific Doctypes
A list of doctypes that have a specific purpose. The core doctypes are none-the-less quite generic so that they can be used in almost any project.
Author, Template Author, Documentation Architect
Structuring Macros
Macros to help authors to a document structure so that the information is easier to understand.
Author, Template Author
Subordinate Documents
Subdocuments are associated with the lifetime of the parent document. The section doctype is the most generic type of document, but there are others, that are specific to a certain doctype.
Author, Template Author, Documentation Architect
Subtree Queries
The projectdoc Toolbox makes it easy to search for documents with a given set of constraints in a document tree with a given root.
Author, Template Author
Supply Documents
Show how to import properties from other projectdoc documents into a projectdoc document.
Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener, Template Author, Author
Support Browsing
Tools from the projectdoc Toolbox to allow users to browse for information.
Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener, Template Author, Author
Support Recalling
Links allow readers to find related information. Autocomplete allows authors to recall the names of related information. Let's have a closer look on the Autocomplete Feature of the projectdoc Toolbox!
The hidden Section
The Content Marker Macro identifies content that can be displayed using the Display Table Macro. This is a short tip on how to transclude content from a projectdoc document.
The Workhorse Macros
Learn about the central most heavily used macros of your projectdoc Toolbox.
Documentation Architect, Author
Think Repositories
To organize your documentation place documents in a typed repository and add additional views on demand.
Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Toggle Views
Shows how to use the Wiki Link Macro based on Remote Controls to alternate between two different views on a single document.
Template Author, Documentation Architect, Author
Topic is not meant to be multi-purpose
Despite the name of the Topic Doctype, it is not supposed to be used for any topic. Use the Generic Doctype or the Section Doctype for general purposes.
Transclude transcluded Sections
Shows how to transclude transcluded content.
Transclusion References
Keeping track of transclusions using artificial properties.
Documentation Architect, Template Author, Author
Two central Use Cases for the projectdoc Toolbox
The projectdoc Toolbox provides a lot of macros to create documentation. It also replaces two macros provided by Confluence. The Excerpt Macro and the Page Properties Macro.
Type-specific Categories
Categories that are defined to be used for a specific doctype. May be used for a couple of doctypes, but is not intended to make sense for any doctype.
Author, Template Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Use Context Controlled Macros
A collection of macros supports dynamic parameters that may be controlled remotely or by their context. This tip provides some information on context controlled macros.
Template Author, Author
Using Aspects
Add a document as a child and automatically make supplied properties and sections available in the parent. A short walk-through to use the Aspect Feature in your information architecture.
Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener, Template Author, Author
Using Commas in Property Values
Property values are inherently considered to be a list of strings. Typically this a good thing since it makes working with list of names very easy. Sometimes it makes things more difficult.
Using Heading Numbers
A short introduction to use heading numbers with the projectdoc Toolbox.
Using projectdoc to document Maven Plugins
We decided to move our documentation from the XDoc format to projectdoc on Confluence. This allows us to update the information independent of the release cycles of the products. Here are some tips on how to use projectdoc for this task.
Using Space Properties
Space properties are defined for spaces and are accessed via the Space Property Macro. This tip goes into detail in how to use space properties with inheritence and extension pages.
Author, Confluence Administrator, Template Author
Using Spaces
A short introduction on using spaces with the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence.
Author, Documentation Architect
Views on Documents
Switch views on documents dependent on the user's role by setting space properties in the user's homepage.
Views on Topics
projectdoc makes it easy to create a modular documentation and provide multiple views on topics.
Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener, Author
Visual Macros
Macros to render information in a visually appealing format.
Author, Template Author
What's next?
Checkout further resources on working with projectdoc.
Documentation Architect, Author