A library for the programming language and computing platform.


The following documents are tagged with this tag.

smartics Commons
Contains utility classes for Java used in most of our projects.

smartics Exceptions
Library for Java to define exceptions and exception codes. This project addresses services for exception handling commonly required for applications, be them standalone or distributed multi-tier enterprise applications.

smartics JBoss Utils
Contains Java utilities to be used in a environment run by JBoss products.

smartics Properties
A library for Java to declare and define properties and to access them from an application in a convenient way.

smartics Test Utils
Provides utility classes to make writing JUnit tests easier.



Documenting Java Libraries with Confluence


Use the free projectdoc for Java Developers Add-on to create documentation for your Java Libraries with Confluence and the projectdoc Toolbox.

The add-on reads the project's Maven POM file and provides all properties as space properties. This way developers have access to these properties as they are used to when creating documentation with the Maven Site Plugin. But in the context of the Confluence Wiki Space!