Documentation is created and maintained collaboratively by the whole team.

Working on complex tasks require a large number of competences. These are rarely found in a single person. A group of people with different backgrounds may also create better solutions.

The same is true for the task of communicating complex problems or solutions in technical documentation.

Related Practices

The following practices are related to this principle.

Agile Documentation
A document is considered to follow the agile principle if it is valuable, essential, and created or updated just-in-time. A documentation is created and maintained in an agile way, if all its documents follow this practice.
Document State
To set the expectation right it is useful to communicate the state of each document to the collaborating authors and the readers.
Employ a Style Guide
All publishing organizations define a style guide for their published information. Such a guide supports teams to write in a similar tone, making it easier for readers to digest the information.
Employ Delegate Documents
Delegate documents make it easier to reuse content from existing documents as a whole.
Keep a Journal
In order to take personal notes on one's own work and to reflect upon what has to be done or has been done, keep a journal. The information in the journal should be shareable at least with all team members.
Know your Mission
Use charters to define the purpose and benefit of each document. State the expectation of the stakeholders involved.
Tell me, I'll summarize
A simple technique to enforce common understanding and knowledge distribution on important topics.
Use Templates
Define a basic structure for all artifacts of a given type. Readers will have an easier job on finding and learning about the information in your documentation.
Use your Tools
Experts need the freedom to employ the set of tools they work most effectively and efficiently.

Related Principles

The following principles are related to this principle.

Principle of Iteration
Documentation is often created in a process of constant change. Therefore project documentation is never complete.