Central Qualities

The central qualities for technical documentation and team communication.

Easy to find
Finding information is essential, whether you're a new user trying to figure out where to start and what to do or an experienced user looking for a parameter for a command. The organization, retrievability, and visual effectiveness of information contribute most to whether users can find the information that they need.
Easy to understand
Whether technical information is easy to understand depends mainly on how it is presented at the level of small structures such as words and sentences. It can also involve larger structures such as examples and scenarios.
Easy to use
Ease of use is very broad. Some people equate the term with usability, which they consider as broad as quality itself. Here we limit ease of use to the primary characteristics that determine whether users can actually apply the information. We distinguish this ability from being able to find and understand the information.
Easy to write
Creating new documents is required to be easy and straight forward. New documents are not necessarily created manually, but may be the result of an automated process.
Easy to maintain
While creating new documents may require much resources, maintaining documents is typically requires the larger amount of resources. Therefore documentation needs to be easy to maintain.
Easy to return investment
Effective documentation is created efficently to make it easy to return on the investment of resources.
Easy to comply
The documentation makes it easy to comply with external constraints.

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