
This project provides a configuration for the smartics-jboss-modules-maven-plugin. This configuration contains standard mappings of dependencies to their JBoss modules representation.

The module descriptors are stored inside the jboss-modules folder of the artifact. The files are collections of modules.

Here is an example that maps some dependencies from Apache's commons to the org.apache.commmons namespace of JBoss modules.

<modules xmlns="http://smartics.de/jboss-modules-descriptor">

If you want to send modules to a certain slot, add the slot element like this:

<modules xmlns="http://smartics.de/jboss-modules-descriptor">

For module descriptors that lack the slot element, the parameter defaultSlot will override the slot.

The example above also show, how to add static dependencies to the module.

For more information on this topic, please refer to the smartics-jboss-modules-maven-plugin's homepage.